P90X vs. Insanity??



  • irish0199
    I strongly recommend P90X to anyone as a supplement workout that you can use at home AND in the gym, or as an entire program. I take the liner notes with me to the gym and run the workouts there (I'm not much of a home workout person); sometimes i even add 1 min jump rope in between exercises, etc. I got it off ebay for a greatly reduced price. I have not used the recommended diet plan that comes with it but have looked it over and it looks reasonable. If this helps, I am a fitness instructor, certified PFT, and in the gym at least 5 days/week most of the time. I think P90X is a very good ROI for anyone--anyone who's going to use it and not let it collect dust, that is. :-)
  • atlmichelle
    atlmichelle Posts: 1 Member
    I own both and use both all the time. I started with P90X and followed the calendar pretty closely and then moved on to Insanity, but I've never been able to keep up with the 60 day thing due to life and work. I also get far too sore and just end up injuring myself. I still have not switched to the longer Insanity dvd's. I eventually gave up with trying to follow the programs in the order they give you. I combined the two programs and made my own schedule to fit my lifestyle. I now do about 2 days of insanity per week, 1 day of P90X and 1 day of running, biking or hiking outside. The next week I'll flip it and do 1 day of insanity, 2 days of P90X and 1 day of running etc. Working out only 4 days a week gives me the results I want, but also fits into my busy life pretty well. If something comes up and I miss a day, I can easily make it up later in the week on an originally planned day off, whereas if you follow the program calendars and miss a day your off schedule up from there on out until you skip taking a day off, which isn't the best.

    However, if I had to choose one dvd set, I'd go with Insanity. It is truly insane and I get the best cardio workout ever. I also don't care to bulk up my muscles at all, so I don't necessarily need the weights.