Some Benefits of Almond Milk



  • Amanda0325
    Amanda0325 Posts: 245 Member
    silk unsweetened almost 35 cals love it.. and it doens't matter that it doesn't have as much protein cause i use it to make my protein shakes! yay!
  • 4flamingoz
    4flamingoz Posts: 214 Member
    Almond milk is all I drink-I stay away from soy, and I'm allergic to cow's milk. I use for everything, but I can't quite get to using it in my coffee. I've finally gotten used to the unsweetened version and don't evern notice that it's not cow's milk. Love it!
  • sdrawkcabynot
    sdrawkcabynot Posts: 466 Member
    Thank you for posting this! I'm trying to wean my family off of cow's milk for a number of reasons. I recently discovered almond milk myself and love the taste. I offered some to my husband last night (we were out of cow milk) and he initially turned his nose up, but did try it and said he liked the taste.

    So this morning, after seeing your great post, I showed it to my husband. Having another guy promote the benefits of almond milk really had an impact. Joe had it on his cereal this morning and said he can easily switch!

    OP, you ROCK!

    I was always shy of trying soy milk - but I was reading about almond milk being an alternative. I thought about it because I hate cow milk by it's self! And besides that - cow milk always spoils before I use it all - I even got my roommate using it in her smoothies. I have the sweetened vanilla (pick up by mistake) and the regular non sweetened!

    Tell your husband - all the real men are switching over ;)
  • njean888
    njean888 Posts: 399 Member
    Well I think your their number one fan! Just kidding seriously, I love it too. I only drink the unsweetened because the others are too sweet for me. Thanks for the great post!
  • sdrawkcabynot
    sdrawkcabynot Posts: 466 Member
    Well I think your their number one fan! Just kidding seriously, I love it too. I only drink the unsweetened because the others are too sweet for me. Thanks for the great post!

    I admit the vanilla is to sweet. Which it's good for protein shakes that are lower in sugar (which was the first protein powder i had) But the new that I got is the is sweeter and I couldn't use the vanilla. So I bought both. I still like the vanilla in my cereal.
  • sdrawkcabynot
    sdrawkcabynot Posts: 466 Member
    And for those interested - I also found a link showing that if you link them on Facebook they will give you a dollar off coupon.
  • kreat
    kreat Posts: 136
    I actually bought a half gallon of the Silk Vanilla Almond milk. I tried a little taste of it and found that I don't like it. I think its because I can't intake a milk that doesn't come from a I would really like to try it again, but this time, maybe with some cereal or something until I can get used to
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    My wife has been on almond milk for a while now, being lactose intolerant, and I finally tried it out this week. It's good stuff! I only put it on some granola so far, which is pretty much all I use milk for anyhow. I'm going to attempt a full transition, I think. Only thing I'm not sure about is if I ever decide to make macaroni and cheese, can I use this? It would be kinda odd, no?
  • sdrawkcabynot
    sdrawkcabynot Posts: 466 Member
    I actually bought a half gallon of the Silk Vanilla Almond milk. I tried a little taste of it and found that I don't like it. I think its because I can't intake a milk that doesn't come from a I would really like to try it again, but this time, maybe with some cereal or something until I can get used to

    Definitely try it in smoothies or on cereal or cooking... I couldn't stand drinking plan milk at all! It made me gag! So I am not a big fan of drinking almond milk by it's self either. But the vanilla on cereal (granola and such) is a great way to lightly sweeten without adding lots of sugar.

    My wife has been on almond milk for a while now, being lactose intolerant, and I finally tried it out this week. It's good stuff! I only put it on some granola so far, which is pretty much all I use milk for anyhow. I'm going to attempt a full transition, I think. Only thing I'm not sure about is if I ever decide to make macaroni and cheese, can I use this? It would be kinda odd, no?

    I would say it'd be fine as long as you use the unsweetened kind!
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    My wife has been on almond milk for a while now, being lactose intolerant, and I finally tried it out this week. It's good stuff! I only put it on some granola so far, which is pretty much all I use milk for anyhow. I'm going to attempt a full transition, I think. Only thing I'm not sure about is if I ever decide to make macaroni and cheese, can I use this? It would be kinda odd, no?

    I would say it'd be fine as long as you use the unsweetened kind!

    Yep, she avoids sugar like the plague, so it's definitely unsweetened. Also it's organic.

    I don't make mac and cheese often, but if/when I do, I am going to be skeptical all over again, just like my first try of almond milk on cereal. Hope you're right. ;)
  • mooglysmom
    mooglysmom Posts: 319 Member
    We discovered Almond milk because my youngest is severly allergic to dairy (in all forms). Needless to say, I love it! I was never a fan of milk before, but I really like Almond milk.