Weight loss for men - from a girl to her boyfriend



  • sharonsjones
    sharonsjones Posts: 574 Member
    just brace yourself, before you know it he'll be in great shape and bugging you to bum along on marathons and the like haha

    Thats what happened with my husband. He started out walking while I went on my runs, then he would run a little ways with me and before you know it we did a half marathon together! Now he runs with me every time and I love it, I love having a running partner. He also started using MFP and I helped him set it up and enter foods and now he does it everyday. Hes lost 30 pounds so far. Good luck!!
  • yurikahanachi
    Tell him to follow you while you are running. It's hard at the beginning, but thing will get better :)
  • wombat94
    wombat94 Posts: 352 Member
    I'll echo what others here have already said.

    I was NEVER an athlete - totally sedentary, until I started Taekwondo a couple of years ago because my daughters were both doing it and it wouldn't cost any extra at their school for me to try it out.

    Well.. that finally got me started and the fitness benefits have been great.

    Now I'm looking forward to my black belt testing in June, I have started a Couch to 5K running program and am now exercising for 30 - 60 minutes 6 days a week.

    Total weight loss passed 50 pounds this week.

    But a big key to me has been my fitness pal - the iPhone app is so easy to use, that I am finally logging food. I never did that in the past and I NEVER really knew where the calories were coming from... now I do and it has change my relationship with food entirely.

    So... if he's interested in restarting taekwondo, encourage him to make the time for it. If you and he are interested in doing something together, encourage him to start doing short runs - a couch 2 5k program is a great way to get up and get moving. I've found it really motivational because of the obvious progress that you make in the first few weeks. And if he's at all interested in working on the intake side of the equation, I can't think of a better place than right here at MFP to get him started.
