healthy detox and good for you foods

Recently I’ve been thinking more about healthy dieting and detoxes to help my body. I’ve been living with a liver disease for the last 8 years now and I feel I owe it to my body to take care of it better. After having my son and being 160 lbs from a mere 100 I did exorcise and also take weight loss supplements. Most of which, even though helped, I don’t feel were healthy for me. So to take care of myself I came across different weight loss healthy foods as well as detox treatments. For me personally these have been working.Every morning and sometimes at night I will drink hot water with pure lemon juice. This is a detox method I’ve been using to reduce water weight as well as create more bile in my stomach to assist my liver in breaking down toxins that are in my body from throughout the day. This is also a good wake up for your metabolism my doctors has told me. Almost the same as drinking 8 fl oz. of ice water in the morning. Berries and other foodsHigh antioxidant foods are a good thing. I’ve been eating plums, blueberries, oranges, apples, and pink grapefruit. Pears, raspberries, strawberries, and blackberries are also good.Adding garlic and onions to my diet was a benefit to lower cholesterol and keep it controlled as well as helping me with not being diabetic. My mother and both grandmothers on my mother’s side and father’s side are diabetics and I had gestational diabetes when I was pregnant with my son. There was a high chance that I could become diabetic after and since it ran in the family that was also a high risk. I believe keeping garlic and onions in my diet has helped me stay healthy.I hope this helps any of you looking for healthy ways to stay healthy.
