Feet shrinking

Has anyone noticed their shoe size shrinking as they lose weight? My feet shrunk a smidge in width and are a lot thinner than they used to be, which is understandable. But, I went out to buy a pair of shoes last night, and they were half a size SHORTER!! Anyone else experience this?


  • Okieace
    The biggest shock to me when I lost 90 pounds was losing a shoe size. I went from a 9 1/2 wide to a 8 1/2 normal.
  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member
    That happened to me - I used to be 9.5 US size and now I can sometimes fit in a 9.

    I think they must have shrunk about 1/4 of a size.
  • Jess5825
    Jess5825 Posts: 228
    My feet definitely shrunk some in width. I can wear sneakers that are not wide! Hooray for that. As for length they may have shrunk a little. Some brands I can fit in a 9. But mostly still I'm a 9.5. So maybe like 1/4 " but not enough to really change my shoe length. I was hoping they'd shrink more.