El Salvador

amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
Hey all,

I'm going on a surf vacation to El Salvador in March! I'm very excited but I've heard many horror stories. Everyone seems really sketched out by us (3 of us) going there.

Here's the hostel we're staying at. I think it looks fun and inviting.

Has anyone ever been here, Guatemala or Costa Rica? Care to share some stories, tips or insights?


  • emily356
    emily356 Posts: 318 Member
    Hi there! My husband has been twice and is going again this summer. They go to help a pastor there that our church supports. He loves it. He says there are some bad areas, but overall is a great place. I would just get educated about which places not to go to and you should be fine. Plus, you aren't going alone!!:) Have fun!!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I've been to Honduras, Guatemala, Belize (and Cuba and Mexico) and enjoyed all of them and felt pretty safe in most places.
    You should have a great trip, just read up about the place before you go and travel smart.
    Don't expect it to be just like home, it won't be- but that's why you're going there!

    I spent 2 hours in transit in the airport at San Salvador, and I gathered from all the souvenirs that there must be turtles there. Don't know anything else about El Salvador!