Can I log dog brushing as exercise?



  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Yes, I am kidding. But seriously!


    Try a furminator, get twice the hair.

    walmart has a much cheaper version that works just as well!
  • jennmartin82
    Very pretty pup!

    Love your tats! just saying lol
  • plushkitten
    plushkitten Posts: 547 Member

    That is the cutest pup in the worrrrllddd!!!

    I love huskies!!!

  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    Sharp looking dog!
  • subigirl
    subigirl Posts: 53 Member
    Yes, I am kidding. But seriously!


    Holy crap! That's a whole other dog laying there next to your pooch! Beautiful dog, by the way. I'm a huge fan of huskies and malamutes, but it would just be cruel to have one in the climate I live in...way too many 100+ days, and I can't keep the A/C too cold or the power bill is unmanageable.
  • loseweightjames
    Yes, I am kidding. But seriously!

    LOL I wonder..... I've often asked myself if I can count hand-waxing my car as an exercise, it does take about 30 minutes and I work up a sweat, even in the freezing cold garage.....
  • flyingwrite
    That's how much hair I get off my cat. No joke. He's a Maine Coon. Hair ALL over the place. Haha.
  • gentlebreeze2
    gentlebreeze2 Posts: 450 Member
    haha... lots of fur... beautiful dog. My dog actually likes being brushed. I say, Frankie, lets brush you and he comes right over to me. Toe nails are a different thing... he hates that.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    ...I have two hairy beasts myself.... I get that much hair from one dog after 2mins of brushing. It's gross...and infuriating because no matter how much I brush the hair just never stops!!


    I always joke that no outfit is complete without dog least not when leaving my house! haha
  • bugs5697

    I always joke that no outfit is complete without dog least not when leaving my house! haha

    Amen to that....and I have just 1 golden. I find him everywhere. Even when I travel out of state.

  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    So cute!

    Grooming my pekingese is exercise. It's resistance training for whoever is holding him, and cardio for the ninja-like reflexes required to avoid getting bit. He hates being brushed and has no snout so it's almost impossible to muzzle him. :laugh:
  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
    I have a pug with an extra thick coat and its faster to just shave him.. Otherwise its months and months of shedding..
  • recriger
    recriger Posts: 245 Member
    I say log it!! My wife has a Rot/golden mix that I've brushed a few times. I claim that it is fair to say that nearly the same ammount of energy was expended brushing that dog as is expended chasing my daughter around after work. If you do a search in the exercise tab you will notice that "Playing with child" DOES in fact show up.

    Every little bit helps, and on Friday night every little bit could equal 1 more beer, or a few more bites of a good steak.
  • Picola1984
    Picola1984 Posts: 1,133
    We display the Furminators at work, the dvd clip drives me insane in the brain

    But what an awesome Husky!
  • Jamie145
    Jamie145 Posts: 164 Member
    i bet he lost a few pounds........LOL.

    He looks happy now..but i bet yur arm is sore..LOL. i wud logged it. Maybe next time wear a hrm or some kind of tracker..
  • tam120
    tam120 Posts: 444 Member
    I used to have a Chow Chow, we could have made a whole other dog with what we brushed off of him. I sure do miss him, but not the furballs he left all over the place.
  • Goosiesnougs
    I loved my husband's Alaskan Malamute/Husky dearly, I still miss him sometimes. BBBBBBUUUUUUUTTTTTT, I do not miss this!

    FYI....I am a bird enthusiast (wild, not parrots and the like)
    Use some of his hair to save the birds just put it on the lawn or in an onion bag. The birds will use it to make their nests soft and warm for the babies. :tongue:
  • Spamee
    Spamee Posts: 148 Member
    I think it should count.
    I have a Goldendoodle with 7-9" hair & it is a work out to brush her out.
    I comb out huge piles every other day.
    (she Sheds like Crazy)
  • LadyBeryl
    LadyBeryl Posts: 344 Member
    I just groomed my wiggly toy poodle -- wash-dry-clip. I'm worn out and sweaty. I must log this somehow. How about 1/2 the calories of horse grooming?