Shifting from weight loss to muscle building?

So, I was 235, worked my way to 215, then stalled. I started again more focused at 200 and have been losing fairly steady since then (188.4 as of this morning).

Once I hit 175, I plan to stop weight loss and focus on building muscle. I don't wont a big built muscle mass, just enough muscle to be fit and toned. Something akin to the swimmer's build. At the moment I'm doing no muscle building and little cardio (just ice skating/hockey) and dieting off pure cal reduction.

Is this a good plan? Should I go ahead and start working out now, or wait till I hit my goal of 175? I was told that I can't really lose weight while muscle building, but different people say different things. I'm 5'11", if that helps.


  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    So, I was 235, worked my way to 215, then stalled. I started again more focused at 200 and have been losing fairly steady since then (188.4 as of this morning).

    Once I hit 175, I plan to stop weight loss and focus on building muscle. I don't wont a big built muscle mass, just enough muscle to be fit and toned. Something akin to the swimmer's build. At the moment I'm doing no muscle building and little cardio (just ice skating/hockey) and dieting off pure cal reduction.

    Is this a good plan? Should I go ahead and start working out now, or wait till I hit my goal of 175? I was told that I can't really lose weight while muscle building, but different people say different things. I'm 5'11", if that helps.
    Have you reached your goal? What are your current macros?
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    Because of a phenomenon call Newbie Gains, you can, for a while, build muscle and lose weight at the same time. Lou Schuler explains it in New Rules of Lifting for Women.

    The effect wears off after some time, but even without it, strength training can help you to PRESERVE muscle while losing weight. I highly recommend NRLOW and lifting heavy! When you get to your goal weight, you will be firm and fabulous instead of flabby. Why wait??
  • grapenutSF
    grapenutSF Posts: 648 Member
    You can lose *fat* while you gain muscle. This is ideal, if you ask me. Lift weights. New Rules or Mark Rippetoe.
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    You can lose *fat* while you gain muscle. This is ideal, if you ask me. Lift weights. New Rules or Mark Rippetoe.

    Yes, I misspoke. thanks for the clarification!
  • gazerofthestars
    gazerofthestars Posts: 255 Member
    I would say start lifting now so you could preserve the muscle underneath the fat. With regular training (lifting heavy weights, mind you), you could begin to see definition in as little as 2 months. Doing too much cardio will cause your body to shift to muscle protein as it's source of energy and make you skinny fat.

    It's worth lifting weights, if only for the afterburn effect. I regret not starting lifting weights earlier myself (I went down from 220 to 165 lbs, started lifting only a month ago or so).
  • sportsforfun
    You should start lifting now so that you retain as much muscle as you can while you lose weight thus you will have less work to do once you actually hit your goal weight. By not lifting now, you are losing both fat and muscle. By lifting weights and having a high protein intake, you will be able to maintain much more of your lean body mass. Lifting has nothing to do with losing weight, a calorie deficit does. I am currently in a bulking cycle (adding mass) thus have to eat in a calorie surplus.
  • tdvogl
    tdvogl Posts: 9 Member
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Start lifting now! You have muscle already. Everyone does. When you diet, you lose fat AND muscle. The trick is preserving as much muscle as possible, weight training and adequate protien intake do this.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    My opinion - start lifting (HEAVY AS YOU CAN!) right now.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    if you want a swimmers build, you need to swim. just saying. no seriously, i'm not trying to be a d i c k. and not just swim, lift too. micheal phelps doesn't just swim to get his physique.
  • dashdnolan
    Wow, thanks eveyrone for the quick replies! SO the general consensus is for me to start lifting now. Alright.

    I'm currently 188. My goal to hit before I started lifting was 175, but it looks like I'll be cutting that short.

    If I do start lifting now, should I change my cal intake? MFP has me at 1410 a day to get me to my 175 goal ASAP.

    "if you want a swimmers build, you need to swim. just saying. no seriously, i'm not trying to be a d i c k. and not just swim, lift too. micheal phelps doesn't just swim to get his physique."

    Oh, I know. I was just trying to say that I want a slimmer cut build as opposed to a big muscly build.
  • dashdnolan
    Because of a phenomenon call Newbie Gains, you can, for a while, build muscle and lose weight at the same time. Lou Schuler explains it in New Rules of Lifting for Women.

    The effect wears off after some time, but even without it, strength training can help you to PRESERVE muscle while losing weight. I highly recommend NRLOW and lifting heavy! When you get to your goal weight, you will be firm and fabulous instead of flabby. Why wait??

    This sounds intriguing and more or less exactly what I want. What exactly should I be doing cal intake (currently at 1410 cal/day) and types of work out-wise to achieve this?
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    Because of a phenomenon call Newbie Gains, you can, for a while, build muscle and lose weight at the same time. Lou Schuler explains it in New Rules of Lifting for Women.

    The effect wears off after some time, but even without it, strength training can help you to PRESERVE muscle while losing weight. I highly recommend NRLOW and lifting heavy! When you get to your goal weight, you will be firm and fabulous instead of flabby. Why wait??

    This sounds intriguing and more or less exactly what I want. What exactly should I be doing cal intake (currently at 1410 cal/day) and types of work out-wise to achieve this?

    I would say, make sure to eat back exercise calories.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    You should start lifting weights no later than last Thursday.
  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    You should start lifting weights no later than last Thursday.

    This.. lift now
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,179 Member

    look at this website also, tons of good info and it dispels a lot of myths.
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    Muscle Burns Fat. Build more muscle, burn more fat. Ahhh, it is a perfect world. LOL
  • dashdnolan
    Because of a phenomenon call Newbie Gains, you can, for a while, build muscle and lose weight at the same time. Lou Schuler explains it in New Rules of Lifting for Women.

    The effect wears off after some time, but even without it, strength training can help you to PRESERVE muscle while losing weight. I highly recommend NRLOW and lifting heavy! When you get to your goal weight, you will be firm and fabulous instead of flabby. Why wait??

    This sounds intriguing and more or less exactly what I want. What exactly should I be doing cal intake (currently at 1410 cal/day) and types of work out-wise to achieve this?

    I would say, make sure to eat back exercise calories.

    What are those and how many do you think I should have?
  • mirgss
    mirgss Posts: 275 Member
    Start lifting now.

    Buy New Rules of Lifting for Women. It will change the way you think about exercise, weights, and food.

    You won't get "bulky" from muscles unless you have a HUGE calorie surplus, do RIDICULOUS weight training, and take supplements.

    Please read this:
  • dashdnolan
    What is a good basic lifting routine i should follow then? Im very bad at guess work and generally need exact instructions.