gonnamake this work

So here I am trying to lose 36 pounds...I've tried in the past and failed and I'm worried that I'm beginning again without changing my plan of attack. I walk/run on my treadmill and I try and eat right and stay under my calorie limit for the day. I always start out strong, but then after awhile I feel like I'm just starving all the time and I give up. Any suggestions for work outs or foods to eat/not eat would be appreciated! I started today with a 60 min walk on my treadmill. I'm a mom of 2 and 35 years old and desperate to feel comfortable in my own skin again.

my usual plan:
stop eating anything after dinner (except tea and water)
workout almost everyday (30 mins or more)
cut back on carbs like crackers and bread etc
no more treats (I usually have treats after the kids go to bed)
If I'm feeling super energetic I might do dome free weigts and sit ups/push ups

Oh and I have an autoimmune thyroid disease that make me hypothyroid (without treatment) I've recently found an awesome doctor and am finally getting the amount of thyroid hormone I need.

So there we go! ANY advice would be helpful at this point. Best of luck to everyone else out there trying to get healthy and stay that way!