Weight watchers VS. counting calories

Was thinking about using weight watchers since I seen that several of my friends have lost weight doing it. Researched online how to calculate how many points I'm allowed during the day and found out I'm allowed 29 points per day. Wondering how does weight watchers differ, if at all, from counting calories?


  • honeydoozy
    honeydoozy Posts: 46 Member
    I have an online weight watchers membership - which I NEVER look at. I think it's good, if you need tools (to log food, exercise, water) and you don't know *what* to eat. I can't quite wrap my head around calculating points, and it just seems so much easier to me to just count the calories.

    I think the tools/logs here are superior to those offered by Weight Watchers - simple and easy to access. If it's not, I won't do it - which probably explains why I can't get into Weight Watchers. :-)
  • KarenHamill
    Hi. I used to belong to Weight Watchers. I lost 93lbs on Weight Watchers. I swear by Weight Watchers. I personally think it is MUCH easier to count points than it is calories. The points take almost everything into consideration. The one thing it does not take into consideration is salt content. You have to be mindful of how much salt is in your food. If you count calories, it is only taking into account calories. What about fat, salt, fiber, etc.... The thing about Weight Watchers is the higher the fiber content the lower the points will be (usually, not always...depends on the food of course). Fiber helps fill you up and makes you feel more satisfied. Also, try to eat low fat proteins, such as chicken and fish. Protein also helps fill you up and it helps build and repair muscle, which in turn helps burn calories. However, remember, to lose weight you have to work for it so you do need to exercise. You do not need to go crazy. I walked everyday, and do not avoid those hills. If you find yourself on a plateau, increase your activity. Perhaps change your activity. I also love swimming so I took some aqua fit classes. You do not always have to decrease your food to help you get off your plateau, but change your activity. Do not go hog-wild straight away, ease yourself into it. A little activity every day is better than no activity. Also, use your points. Your body needs a certain amount of calories in order to keep it running like a well oiled machine. If you eat too few calories your body will go into starvation mode, which slows your metabolism. The slower your metabolism the harder it will be to lose weight. Another key thing that helps you lose Weight on Weight Watchers is getting in all of your water. I believe it is 8 servings of water. It helps flush your system. Yes, you will spend a lot of time in the washroom, however that is a good thing. My leader made an interesting analogy (kind of gross too but it serves the purpose). She said think of a toilet. In order for a toilet to work properly it needs a sufficent amount of water to flush out the waste. If it does not have enough water it will get backed up and not work properly. Our body is that toilet. We need the right amount of water to help it flush out the waste.

    Anyway, there is a science to losing weight. It definitely is NOT easy. But you can do it. I hope I have been some help to you. Take care and good luck!