help starting over

hey group
well here is the story I was planing to be married this december and had just started this group.
when I told the guy I was with that maybe he should do more school work and less parting and then he told the group he had joined. and now he is gone and did not even tell me he was going or why . I got so depressed and started eating the wrong foods again and stop working out. I want to regine control of my life any words of support would really help thanks


  • modelgirl
    modelgirl Posts: 32
    hey group
    well here is the story I was planing to be married this december and had just started this group.
    when I told the guy I was with that maybe he should do more school work and less parting and then he told the group he had joined. and now he is gone and did not even tell me he was going or why . I got so depressed and started eating the wrong foods again and stop working out. I want to regine control of my life any words of support would really help thanks
  • mszSHOGAN
    mszSHOGAN Posts: 2,278 Member
    Its NEVER too late to start! Don't be discouraged just change your eating from this moment. Leave the past where it is!:happy: