irritable bowel

anyone have irritable bowel? what upsets yours... i woke up today in bad pain.. somethings bothing me.. can u pin point anything from my diary?


  • myuva
    myuva Posts: 67
    I have IBS-D dominant......and it sucks !!!!! Everyone has different trigger foods. Are you sure it is IBS ? Lactose intorerance, Siliacs disease, gluten intolerance ???? MSG is a big trigger for me. Friend me if you want..........
  • EbbySoo
    EbbySoo Posts: 267 Member
    I have IBS-C dominance, it's usually hormones/stress that comes first, but after that it comes down to if I'm not eating enough fruits and veggies to keep myself somewhat normal, but sometimes the veggies are a double edged sword... sigh.
  • tcpowell25
    I have IBS-C and I've been hurting for the past two weeks. Mine is dairy and citrus. You can friend me if you want. Some things that help me is peppermint, ginger, and green tea.
  • ReverendJim
    ReverendJim Posts: 260 Member
    I have a forum for this on MPF (Living with IBS), along with Kougra's forum on Crohn's Disease. I suffer from IBS very very seriously. Getting better though.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    I had to cut way back on starchy foods to get my poor insides to start working more regularly. I've suffered for years with a cranky digestive system. Never diagnosed with IBS, but several doctors asked me if I had been! Don't know about that one either. I'm prone to bloating up like crazy with some foods. And JUST found out I'm allergic to yeast. Any yeast at all sets me off. Even only trace amounts of it does it. Sucks.
  • RumOne
    RumOne Posts: 266 Member
    I have IBS, a change in diet (even a good one) can upset your system. I have an episode the day after a migraine. Try probiotic yogurt for a few days. My dr told me to do the yogurt over the pills because it seemed to have more benifits.
  • ReverendJim
    ReverendJim Posts: 260 Member
    I have IBS-C and I've been hurting for the past two weeks. Mine is dairy and citrus. You can friend me if you want. Some things that help me is peppermint, ginger, and green tea.

    Peppermint, Ginger and don't forget Chamomile. It's an anti-inflammatory agent. There is a supplement called "Intesol" that is a blend of all these that has really helped me. It works as an anti-spasmodic. Also, Google "Metagenics UltraClear Sustain." That also works very well. It was designed for dysbiosis, primarily leaky gut, but works for my IBS, too. It fosters a probiotic-friendly environment.

    I am following Dr. Dahlman's program and it is working for me. But I don't buy the materials from his online store, you can get them cheaper on Buy his book - it's a great place to start.

    Hope some of this helps.

    I am not affiliated with him in any way, just sharing what has been working for me. That, a structured, vigorous exercise program, and the nearly complete elimination of all processed foods and high fructose corn syrup has worked wonders for me. Oh, and dairy, too. And I've managed my diet to where I can eat just about anything I want, with some ingredient substitutions, and I'm not deprived of anything diet-wise. :)
  • ReverendJim
    ReverendJim Posts: 260 Member
    I have IBS, a change in diet (even a good one) can upset your system. I have an episode the day after a migraine. Try probiotic yogurt for a few days. My dr told me to do the yogurt over the pills because it seemed to have more benifits.

    My doctor told me the opposite - there is not enough active probiotic culture in the yogurt to do much of anything (one pill I take daily has 15 billion organisms.) Plus the additives and sweeteners in yogurt can cause some IBS or other gastric flareups. But if it works for you, then by all means keep on! Just stating what my doc said would work for me.

    I eat Greek yogurt only, to avoid the sweeteners, etc. And I take probiotics daily. I'm glad the yogurt is working for you. Suffering the same way you are, ANYTHING that works is a God-send. :)
  • staceykoz
    staceykoz Posts: 31 Member
    I have IBS and my biggest triggers are caffeine, carbonation, and stress. I've noticed ever since I've started eating more veggies, I've had more gas pains recently. I've started taking Digestive Advantage Gas Defense that I get from CVS. It's pricey but has worked well for me with eating foods that can trigger IBS symptoms.
  • gigieatss
    gigieatss Posts: 60 Member
    Mine: Fennel Seeds, Cabbage, Brussels Sprouts & Cauliflower

  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    Mine gets really bad if I don't take my probiotic tablets.
    I also get really bad stomach aches, constipation & gas from white pasta, white bread, white rice. But I haven't eaten that stuff in years ^_^

    Oh and if I drink too much caffeine...ouch!
  • stephv21
    stephv21 Posts: 5 Member
    Sometimes pizza bothers me and other saucy foods. I usually have to pepcid ac after I eat that kind of stuff.
  • R_is_for_Rachel
    R_is_for_Rachel Posts: 381 Member
    yup, but over the years i've cracked what irritates me and basically avoid them! for me it's most dairy (though i'm generally ok with small amounts of hard cheese) and alcohol (the many nightmares i've had with alcohol-night outs stuck in the loos!) Oh, and stress!

    i also find peppermint tea is a great anti spasmodic