Semi New Here

Hey everyone,
I am semi new here, I have been using the App for a couple of weeks now. I have to say that I love it. I'm 27 years old with 3 children. All boys ages 4 and 21month twins. Bed rest with both pregnancies really did me in. Gaining 80lbs with my first and 52lbs with my second. Like most people on here I have been sruggling to get the weight off. After my first born I did weigh over 200lbs when I came home from the hospital. Not happy! So I worked very hard and I lost 60lbs then 2 years to the day I was pregnant again. Determend not to gain alot I was exercising regularly until I found out there were two in my belly and the doctor told me I was only allowed to walk because of my history of preterm labor and delivery. Bedrest from 20weeks on I only gained 52lbs but still about 20lbs of it stayed around making me 168lbs. Over the past year I have yoyo'd (not good). I know I do not have that far to go. I'm 141lbs and about 24lbs until I hit my goal weight (117lbs.) I havent been that weight since I started having children. I am 5'1 and technically I am overweight and have BF of 31%. Which is really hard for me to grasp. I am wanting to be in the personal training field and maybe competing in Ms. Fitness some day. Getting this weight off has really been hard. You can't have a FAT personal trainer! Anyway, I have faith that it will all come off as I am on 2 a daysx6 and a very stricked diet with 1 cheat day and one fast day. I really have started to enjoy running and have ran my first 10k last weekend. anyway, I do need more friends on here and some support. As many of you probably understand its really hard to diet when you have kiddo's! I just do not have the energy like I use to!LOL, This week has been great as I have lost 4 lbs in the last week. So here's to getting this weight off for good and keeping it off.:happy:


  • Parks0613
    Parks0613 Posts: 27 Member
  • jmart53
    You will meet alot of people all in the same boat as you. MFP has the best people all willing to help and support and motivate.
    Friend me, we can do it together. Good Luck.
  • lisaforrester13
    my twin pregnancy has also packed on the pounds..I am 5 feet & started MFP at 170..I know my body will be different, but I am so determined....I m not going to toss all of my size 2's without at least trying!!!