anyone ever feel this way?

I hate this I hate counting calories and feeling guilty and crappy everytime I go over. So what if I ate way to much today if i am careful it wont hurt my non existant progress. Can never have real food because its to high in calories......ugh


  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Yeah, I hear you!
    I've learned to not beat myself up over going over calories. As long as my week average is good, I don't care. Too few calories is just as bad as too many calories to weight loss. Not eating enough will stall you out or even cause you to gain! Frustrating, right?
    Why can't you have real food? Have it in smaller quantities so you can still do well! Denying yourself will only make you want it more.
  • emstaley4
    emstaley4 Posts: 76 Member
    Beating yourself up is self-defeating and very un-motivating. Take it one day at a time. I have good days and bad days with my eating....Try making small changes. Eat two servings of fruit then add a third after a week or so. Do the same with veggies and cut your portions back slowly. I know that when I went "cold turkey" I was hungry all the time and for the "wrong" foods it seemed. Try adding small bits of exercise in. Take the stairs when possible, park farther away from entrances (if you drive). It really is the little things that add up. Surround yourself with positive people....not people who encourage your "bad" eating habits and non-healthy lifestyle. I know I need positive reinforcement...not someone pointing out my muffing top or my saddle bags or love handles!!! LOL You can do this!!! Friend me if you want. Good Luck
  • irisheyes42us
    I agree. eat what you want when you want it~ just figure out how much you can have before you eat it~ then make it work. You will learn sometmes it isn't worth it and sometimes it is :) Try to be consistent so you will lose!:flowerforyou: