April Goal's............(add your's)

Hello Everyone well I feel great and I am getting back on track after not losing for 3 weeks in a row I am going to make the rest of April a fit and fabulous month!!! and I hope to have your support as well as you can have mine : )

My April goal is to work out 3 VERY intese work out's a week including running and My boot Camp class. Also I am going to TRACK everysingle little bite I eat and drink more Tea..........

Good Luck!!


Jamie : )


  • Jamiegirl2009
    Jamiegirl2009 Posts: 98 Member
    Hello Everyone well I feel great and I am getting back on track after not losing for 3 weeks in a row I am going to make the rest of April a fit and fabulous month!!! and I hope to have your support as well as you can have mine : )

    My April goal is to work out 3 VERY intese work out's a week including running and My boot Camp class. Also I am going to TRACK everysingle little bite I eat and drink more Tea..........

    Good Luck!!


    Jamie : )