New Journey

:smile: I am beginning this journey to get healthy and I have heard all about this site from my brother! I enjoy reading everyones success, I need all the motivation and support I can get.


  • Parks0613
    Parks0613 Posts: 27 Member
    Hey I have a 4year and 21 month old twins.
  • Hi there!
    Myfitnesspal is great when you have positive people to help you out!

    Add me if you'd like!

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • love2bthin
    love2bthin Posts: 176 Member
    Hi there....this is a great place for a new journey. Please send me a friend request. Also I have twins and they will be 20 on Sunday.:smile:
  • welcome to the site.. hope you have a great amount of weight loss
  • MFP is great!! your going to love all the support and motivation you will receive. Friend Me if you like and good luck.
  • catwomanclaws
    catwomanclaws Posts: 23 Member
    I have twin boys! They are now 25 and one of them just had a baby boy a month ago (well, his wife did..Lol!).
  • palmerig88
    palmerig88 Posts: 623 Member
    I am new to the site as of January. I'm looking for more friends on here. I don't have kids, I'm married and work as a retail store manager. I joined so I could track my calories as a way to lose weight. Ignoring 'the problem' doesn't help, so this site has been a real reality check for me. I love it and look forward to what the future brings! :)