Facing Death



  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    You got this!

    I graduated HS over 12yrs ago I was 135lbs
    I dropped the bad habit of smoking I picked up though school
    I replaced that habit with food and in 2yrs I gained almost 200lbs
    I never thought about it til March 2009 when my doc told me dont' even think of having kids til i lose some weight
    So off I went I had no excuse since I am a housewife
    I dropped 156lbs in 19 months
    then came the stress of buying/selling houses I gained 40back
    this is my year to get the last 56lbs off to my goal of 160

    if you need a buddy feel free to add me
    if you want I can look over your food diary's and help you along
    I am pretty honest thats why a lot of my friends are excited to have someone to tell them instead of saying Great job everyday even on the days they aren't doing so great

    Tho a few ppl i had on friends wanted a friend like that and couldn't handle the advice and de-friended me
    if you wish to have someone that will help you

    add me

    that goes for anyone =)
  • mslack01
    mslack01 Posts: 823 Member
    I get it! Being diagnosed with high cholesterol and prediabetes at 38 makes you think. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • hagamivida
    i started approximately 211ish and have 100ish total to lose. I am down 24 right now. Friend me if you want, though if you want someone your height, I'm not.
  • crazychelle5000
  • theresa029
    I'm with you! I experienced difficulty in breathing too. Especially when I am in my obese stage. When I lay down on my bed, and lay sideways there's always a feeling in my chest that it was like something has pressing my heart that makes me lose my breathe. Its hard to breathe sometimes when I'm laying. Now that I've lost weight and exercise regularly, those feelings were completely gone. And I can say that I'm happier being healthy now than the way I am before. :)
  • Coach_Simon
    Coach_Simon Posts: 254 Member
    Wow, that seriously made me think. But you're absolutely right. Please everyone who wants, add me!
  • downsizinghoss
    downsizinghoss Posts: 1,035 Member
    I know where you are coming from and I know you can do it! The best part is that as you get into it, you gradually evolve to doing it for more positive reasons.

    you start off "I do this, or I die"

    But if you stick to it, it evolves into "I do this and I truly live"

    That makes all the difference.

  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    for me my reasons are to have kids
    live a long and healthy life with my hubby
    watch our kids grow up & have kids
    grow old together and be healthy

    and many others but those stick out the most for me

    i tell people write it down your reasons put it on the fridge read it every morning
    and when you wanna eat something unhealthy read it again
    memorize it
    study it

    go by it!
  • ErinNichole76
    ErinNichole76 Posts: 52 Member
    I've been on blood pressure meds for about 3 years now. Last fall my doc wanted to get an echo of my heart to watch how hard it actually has to work to beat. The tech showed me the bit of video he took of my heart and carefully explained what I was looking at and if it was good or not. Specifically the slightly leaky valve was not good. The tech told me his story as well, he had a minor heart attack shortly after his first child was born. It was quite a story and stuck with me. My doc decided my heart was working hard but within 'acceptable' limits. I decided differently so since the new year I've been working hard to bring my weight down. I've had set backs and can't seem to keep from eating pizza but I'm proud of what I've accomplished so far and I have every intention of reaching my goal.
  • UnderCoverShyGirl
    UnderCoverShyGirl Posts: 254 Member
    Oh gosh i can relate. I thought i was having a heart attack a few years ago after not seeing a doctor in about 6 years. Ended up in urgent care, then ambulanced to the hospital, but they didn't find anything. I did find out i had really high blood pressure of course and started meds. I had been totally ignoring my health while i ballooned up to almost 400 lbs. I felt so unwell in so many ways, from the aches and pains in my body to weird and sudden chest pain, my back giving out, my knees hurting, etc...and then of course the anxiety because i felt like i was gonna die any minute and all i did was worry about every little pain, wondering if "this was it" and trying to figure out if i should go to the hospital or not. I literally was afraid to be alone, afraid to go to sleep. I lived life like that every single day for 3 years. I functioned ok at work, when i was distracted, but once i got home, each evening was a nightmare. I spent a couple years going to the doctor constantly.My heart checked out "ok" but I found out i do have an "early heartbeat" (benign but probably due to my sedentary lifestyle and weight and i feel the palpitations which were part of what was scaring the crap out of me) and well...i could go on and on.

    Long story shorter, what you said is something i thought about, literally freaked about, every day. I realized that all the food I 'loved so much' didn't actually mean that much to me if it was going to kill me. I thought "really, i would rather die than skip a cheeseburger? Umm, if never eating a cheeseburger again will help keep me alive, totally worth it". How many morbidly obese people do we see who are 70? Not that many at all and if we do, they are disabled or looking like they are gonna drop any minute.

    I have started eating better and although my weight loss is slow, i'm persisting and am going to do this. My diet, while not even close to perfect is still a gazillion times better than it used to be.....i know i've already done damage to myself, but i have faith that i can at least give it my best effort and live a quality life as long as possible. I know i can at least get healthy, i can change my life, it's in my power. It's hard, crazy hard...why i don't know...but i go to counseling to deal with the mental aspects of myself that contribute to my health issues, i go to the doctor, i'm slowly starting to exercise, it's a trial day by day, but i know that everyone that is healthy, even if they've never been fat, has to make choices in order to be healthy...and that's what i'm gonna do.

    Thanks for posting this, it was from the heart and you voiced what so many people probably feel, but don't bring to the surface. I have 200 lbs to lose still. Sad but true. But you know, all we have to do is keep putting one foot in front of the other and understand that if we keep on keeping on, we will win this battle and live a new lifestyle for as long as we are meant to. Being this overweight is literally slow suicide....my grandfather said that to me once, and you know what, i really believe it. I don't know why i lived that life for so many years, but i'm DONE!

    I'm so happy to be here among all these people, the fat ones, the fit ones, the new ones, the ones who have been here forever, the ones who are having a hard time, the ones who are succeeding, it doesn't matter. Being here together with the common goal of good health is inspiring and i'm with you all...lets keep on keepin on!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Take my advice and DONT GO 1200 ON US!
    If you are in the Obese III range or higher you can really screw up your heart by going too low.
    Start at 1600-1800 calories if you are 5'2" and above and youll lose the weight in no time.
    Also be sure you lift heavy weights 3 times a week.
    Right now you have enough ATP in you r muscles that you can actually GAIN muscle while on a calorie deficit.
    PM me if you need help with numbers and i'll support you 250%.