To all you men!



  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    Today my husband left work to come rescue me when my car broke down (again!) He got it running, followed me to the parts store, bought the parts and replaced the offending part so it was correctly fixed and then would have followed me all the way back home if I was really worried about it not running. (I didn't ask him to do this though because I trust his work.) He then went back to work and dealt with his cranky boss.

    I make cake as a hobby that makes a little extra money and he's always helping with that. He stacks the wedding cakes for me, helps transport them, picks stuff up at the store all the time and has built me a few cake stands for my wedding cakes.

    We've had car troubles for the last several months (since August) and he's repeatedly dealt with them without complaining or losing his temper. Everyone around is amazed at how he's handled our car issues because he just keeps taking it in stride.

    I could go on all day about him. He is amazing and I am blessed to be married to him.
  • Artemis726
    Artemis726 Posts: 587 Member
    :heart: This!

    Thank you to my darling DH-

    - taking care of bugs
    - doing the dishes and vacuuming when I am away from the house
    - not biatching when I am out of the house, even when it takes too long and you are watching 4 kids
    - always being sweet through everything you do- from buying me a hard to find favorite perfume from a lifetime ago that I mentioned in passing, to the hours you spent today researching my genealogy to show me that I came from somewhere.

    I could also go on forever. :) My DH rocks! :bigsmile:
  • kathyc609
    kathyc609 Posts: 258 Member
    ---never once in the entire 18 years i have been overweight/obese called me fat, made me feel horrible about my weight, and
    always told me i was beautiful

    Thank you to my husband!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    My husband is just all-around awesomeness! Too many good traits to list. We're pretty lucky because we just really, genuinely like each other. No complaints here! :heart:
  • tammi42
    tammi42 Posts: 62 Member
    My husband is amazing!

    thank you from the bottom of my heart for

    -cooking dinner almost every night even though I am a good cook( he loves to cook)
    -helps me clean our house without me asking him to
    -has my coffee waiting for me every morning
    -opens doors for me
    -says he loves me all the time
    -calls me during the day while he is working just to say hi
    -loves and takes care of my kids(he is their step-dad)
    -makes me laugh daily
    -cheering me up when I have had a rotten day
    -supporting me through this weight loss journey.
    -making me swoon everytime I see him. He is soo handsome :)
    -for overcoming some pretty heavy stuff. He is the strongest man I know

    Jeeze, I could go on. Everyday I tell him I love him and appreciate everything he does for us.