How accurate are...

machines at the gym in calories? I mean, I put in my weight and whatnot, so you'd think it'd be accurate...but today on the treadmill, i was power walking for two minutes, then ran for two, etc. and I did that for 45 minutes, and I burned 265 calories. Does that sound accurate? If i shouldn't trust the machines, how do I record how many calories I burn when I workout?
I'm new to counting calories and recording them, so any opinions would be appreciated! :D


  • SteveHunt113
    SteveHunt113 Posts: 648 Member
    The machines guess. You'd think they'd be able to accurately count the calories, but it's still just a guess.

    I have a heart rate monitor that calculates my calories (also a guess), but it uses your heart rate to determine your exertion. I did 60 minutes on the elliptical the other day and the machine read 1020 calories and my HR monitor read 890 calories. How many did I burn? Excellent question! I use the smaller number when entering my calories burned.

    Oh, there are times where MFP comes withing 10 calories of what my HR monitor tells me. So I tend to believe it more.
  • Laceypalooza
    How do I get one of those?
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    How do I get one of those?

    Buy it.
    Most fitness shops (not the designer brand places, proper shops) carry them. You can buy them on amazon. Just google 'heart rate monitors'. I recently bought a polar FT7, which seems pretty cool. The FT4 is cheaper and everyone I've seen mention it is happy with that too.
  • SteveHunt113
    SteveHunt113 Posts: 648 Member
    I got mine (a Polar FT7) on It was a good price and does what I need it to do. Since I'm not a runner, and don't do hills, I didn't need one with the built in GPS.

    There are many different types, so some research in what you want will be needed.
  • SteveHunt113
    SteveHunt113 Posts: 648 Member
    How do I get one of those?

    Buy it.
    Most fitness shops (not the designer brand places, proper shops) carry them. You can buy them on amazon. Just google 'heart rate monitors'. I recently bought a polar FT7, which seems pretty cool. The FT4 is cheaper and everyone I've seen mention it is happy with that too.
    There you go, we both have Polar FT7's and we both like them! :smile:
  • Laceypalooza
    Thank you both! I think it'll come in handy!