Trying to get normal for the first time

Hey everyone.

Figured I should post here to introduce myself. I have always been overweight my entire life. The middle of last year I turned 26 at 330 lbs. I had been 330 lbs for almost 5 years strait. I finally said I needed to do something about it and started cutting back. I was accustomed to 8-9 cans of soda a day and large meals. After cutting back at the start of this year I was just around 310 lbs and down to 2 cans of soda a day.

Finally I decided enough with the small cutback I needed to go on a serious diet. I started the 15th of January on my serious diet to change my life. I told everyone I knew, made commitments, and even started a blog to chronicle my weight loss. This past wednesday on my quest to find information I stumbled upon the myfitnesspal app for my phone. I wish I had known about this when I started but as of last week I have been following myself closely with this app. It's so great and I'm so happy I found it.

I'm currently 6'0' 300 lbs right now and my original goal was 210 (100 pounds exactly). I'm thinking now I might lower that a bit more. I've already found so much information from this site and the generous members that post here and I'm so excited to finally get myself in shape.


  • AZDizzy
    AZDizzy Posts: 434 Member

    Glad you found us!
  • hdg1822
    hdg1822 Posts: 75 Member
    This is an amazing app/website. Congrats on the weight that you have already lost. You will continue to succeed!
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    Keep going & good luck in the future! :)