Trouble Finding Healthy Calories

Hey everyone I'm having a bit of an issue hoping someone can help me out. I'm currently 6'0' and 300lbs leading a mostly sedentary life style (computer technician and my hobbies mostly involve a computer) and I'm having dificulty finding good amounts of caleries to hit my goal. Currently MFP tells me to take in about 1970 calories per day at 2lbs a week loss and I'm strugling to find out how to do that.

Currently the only fluids I drink are water with the exception of 8 ounces of milk and orange juice in the morning and one serving of whey protein. I have been eating 4-5 meals a day; bowl of cherios in the morning, 2-3 apples as snacks, sandwiches for lunch (ham, turkey, or bacon with light mayo, letus, tomatoes, occational mustard) and a heavy dinner of a chicken sandwich, homemade dinner, or sometimes the most healthy thing I can find from a fast food place (600-800 calories on average) Problem is that normally all comes out to under my already large calorie deficit set by MFP.

Question is, is MFP right to set my goal to 2000 calories a day for 2lbs a week? Are there any good items that I can add to increase my calories to hit my goal without adding to many other bad items? My biggest issue is I never really feel hungry and when I excercise for an hour (playing DDR :laugh: ) I find myself having to force myself to eat a lot more food just to stay within my range.


  • raevynn
    raevynn Posts: 666 Member
    Healthy sources of calories:

    Vegetables, raw nuts, avocados, fruit, whole grains

    I don't do meat/dairy, but if you do, you can add yogurt, extremely lean (grass fed) beef, free range chicken

    I'd avoid a lot of free oils. No fried foods at all. Limit pre-made or packaged food. Focus on fresh, whole foods. I consider "fast food" to be nothing but poison, but that's me (and, well, a whole lot of other people who worry about their health).

    The calorie limit you mention sounds about right for your current level.
  • When I'm under on my calories, I top up with almonds because they're healthy and they use up your points really quickly. Also peanut butter is another good one as well as avocado.
  • bump