Ex Soda drinkers UNITE ! ! !

I gave up Soda once before and I remember I didn't even miss it, after some time that is, I also remember after like a year of not drinking it i tired some and it felt like it burned my throat, So I wanna do my body good and get ride of the junk again, so I wanted to hear from fellow ex "drinkers" what a deference they have noticed from cutting it out =D


    I stopped 2 days ago and i don't really miss it! But i am starting to get headaches eek. But i am strong,i can do this . And you can too! x x
  • sagetracey
    sagetracey Posts: 607 Member
    I gave it up more than 10 months ago and honestly don't miss it at all. And it may be that time has dulled my memory, but I don't remember going through withdrawal, either.

    Good luck.
  • Superbritt2drescu
    Superbritt2drescu Posts: 273 Member
    Monday will be 11 weeks since I've had a coke. I've tried a sip back in January and it was so dang sweet and bubbly. I didn't want to drink it! This is the longest I've gone so far, and very happy about it. :) So far its helped in me losing weight as well as I sleep better. (or maybe that's cause I'm working out)
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    going on 2 yrs. + of no soda. dont miss it. drank some by accident, it was diet. I felt like I immediately got a brain freeze like headache you get from drinking a slurpee/icee to fast. oh and it tasted way too sweet and like crap.
  • I haven't been drinking it either, after a few months without it I tried some coke, it just tasted like chemicals. I feel a lot better without drinking soda!
  • CronoCX
    CronoCX Posts: 59 Member
    It's been a year coming up on the 22nd. When I tried tasting it again it felt like i was drinking pure surgar it was waaaaayy to sweet so i gave it away lol! Haven't tried any since then.
  • heidikins7
    I actually developed a caffeine allergy two years ago. For someone who drank Coke religiously, this was devastating. However, two years later, I hardly miss it. Occasionally, with certain meals I will.... otherwise, I have grown to love water. Once in a blue moon, I will have a Sprite, but that's it. And when I do, it isn't very satisfying!
  • dadoffo
    dadoffo Posts: 422 Member
    Before I use to drink everyday around 2-3 coke in cans. Now the only time I drink is if I'm in a restaurant or in a party. It sure taste different when I drink soda. I don't miss it at all.
  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    i stopped recently. i really like tea and coffee so much more.
  • anjydarling
    It's been 3 months for me. I was never a huge soda drinker anyway but ya know, it was something to have when you didn't have anything else in the fridge. Anyways I was put on a medicine called topamax and it totally changed my tastes buds around. Soda tastes like dirt to me now. It was for the better :laugh:
  • DaisyHamilton
    DaisyHamilton Posts: 575 Member
    Gave it up a year ago :) On very, very rare occasions I have one, but that's RARE. I'd much rather have juice and tea! :smile:
  • sweetinked
    sweetinked Posts: 7 Member
    When I stopped drinking soda I lost 20 pounds. Thats when I didnt eat healthy or exercise at all so I was pretty impressed that I lost that much from stopping soda alone.
  • Cathnger
    I'm 41 days clean and only drink water now. Woohoo I feel GREAT! I can drink as much as I want, my skin is much better, I feel healthier and I'm saving loads of money aswell - plus I don't have that manky taste and smell in my mouth and on my breath that you get from Cola etc :happy: I love it I love it I love it lol. Plus there no wasted calories to boot lol.
  • gemini2267
    gemini2267 Posts: 74 Member
    No lies. I was a serious Coke Addict. (the soda not the powder)lol at least 3 a day. knowing it was the problem for my weight gain because I dont eat that much. I decided to switch to diet, although it didnt do the trick i was motivated by the weight loss. After reading the health risk of diet soda, i completely stop drinking soda. My beverage of choice are water and occasionally unsweeten ice tea. It has been 5 month since I gave up Coke and havent look back. Im 28 pounds in total down. :smile:
  • fishndad
    fishndad Posts: 102 Member
    I work for a soda company & so you can imagine how much I drank. Had a bottle going all the time. I decided to switch to water, & the neat thing is if I drink as many bottles of 20oz water as I did soft drinks, I consume my 8+ glasses of water per day. Thje only time I haven't kicked is if I'm headed somewhere over 50 miles in the car. Kind of like the smoking habit. Certain things die hard. But I quit smoking over 25 yrs ago & don't miss it, why should I miss pop.
  • birdieintx
    I was a serious diet coke addict and gave it up almost two months ago. Can't believe the difference in how I feel. Especially because all I drink now is water where as I used to drink only a glass or so of water a day. Soda SUCKS!
  • MamaWannaRun
    MamaWannaRun Posts: 273 Member
    Gave up Mt. Dew on January 23.. I was jonesing for weeks.. Now, I'm good... ;-) Haven't had one since...
    But I did have a coke this am to nurse my hangover!
  • mcsaxangel
    I gave up soda back when I was a junior in high school (so like 6 or 7 years ago?) I will sometimes drink non-caffeinated sodas (maybe once a month if that) like sprite or cream soda but if I try to drink a coke and a Pepsi I just can't do it. Dark sodas hurt my stomach and throat. I rather just drink water to be honest most days that is all I usually drink. Even diet sodas have so many chemicals in it it really isn't that healthy and water is probably the best thing you can drink. I also notice if I try to drink anything besides water especially soda it is just pure sugar and I need to drink water afterward anyway so there really is no point!
  • kylesmommy89
    kylesmommy89 Posts: 356 Member
    I quit Dr.Peppers in December and I don't even miss them!! That's the main drink I've drank my entire life. The cals just weren't worth it to me! I feel better drinking water, I feel less bloated, and my skin is looking great compared to how it looked before! Sooo worth it.
  • judypriv
    judypriv Posts: 206 Member
    I love soda but i haven't had much since I got pregnant with my youngest in August of 2010. I don't miss it but occasionally at parties I would like some. I have had about maybe 6 in the last 18 months. I still love me some coke!