Give me your best running tips.

Hey all,
So I started running about a month or so ago, just doing intervals. I want to start doing 5k's, etc.

Give me your best running tips? (:


  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    Keep doing it. Seriously, the best thing I ever did was never give up. There will be bad runs, run them anyway. They make the good runs euphoric. Pay attention to your food and fuel your runs. Nutrition is very important. Get plenty of rest and fluids.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Go to a running shop and get fitted for shoes.

    Go at your own pace and have fun with it.

    If you feel pain, stop and heal before continuing.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Keep doing it. Seriously, the best thing I ever did was never give up. There will be bad runs, run them anyway. They make the good runs euphoric. Pay attention to your food and fuel your runs. Nutrition is very important. Get plenty of rest and fluids.

    Thanks! :)
    Also, has anyone got any tips for how to deal with/prevent stitches?
  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    Keep doing it. Seriously, the best thing I ever did was never give up. There will be bad runs, run them anyway. They make the good runs euphoric. Pay attention to your food and fuel your runs. Nutrition is very important. Get plenty of rest and fluids.

    Thanks! :)
    Also, has anyone got any tips for how to deal with/prevent stitches?

    Absolutely!! I used to get horrible stitches.. and then researched them. Turns out its all about the way your internal organs are situated. I'm guessing you're right handed and get right side stitch? Well.. make sure you run on an empty stomach, and you need to learn to pace and control your breathing. Make sure you exhale on your left foot stomp. Try to exhale 3 steps, inhale 3 steps. Also avoid milk before a run as well.
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member

    Absolutely!! I used to get horrible stitches.. and then researched them. Turns out its all about the way your internal organs are situated. I'm guessing you're right handed and get right side stitch? Well.. make sure you run on an empty stomach, and you need to learn to pace and control your breathing. Make sure you exhale on your left foot stomp. Try to exhale 3 steps, inhale 3 steps. Also avoid milk before a run as well.

    Wow, I would probably get hit by a car if I tried running and tried to remember all that at the same time...
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Keep doing it. Seriously, the best thing I ever did was never give up. There will be bad runs, run them anyway. They make the good runs euphoric. Pay attention to your food and fuel your runs. Nutrition is very important. Get plenty of rest and fluids.

    Thanks! :)
    Also, has anyone got any tips for how to deal with/prevent stitches?

    Absolutely!! I used to get horrible stitches.. and then researched them. Turns out its all about the way your internal organs are situated. I'm guessing you're right handed and get right side stitch? Well.. make sure you run on an empty stomach, and you need to learn to pace and control your breathing. Make sure you exhale on your left foot stomp. Try to exhale 3 steps, inhale 3 steps. Also avoid milk before a run as well.

    Will defs try! How long after eating would you say is best to run?
  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member

    Absolutely!! I used to get horrible stitches.. and then researched them. Turns out its all about the way your internal organs are situated. I'm guessing you're right handed and get right side stitch? Well.. make sure you run on an empty stomach, and you need to learn to pace and control your breathing. Make sure you exhale on your left foot stomp. Try to exhale 3 steps, inhale 3 steps. Also avoid milk before a run as well.

    Wow, I would probably get hit by a car if I tried running and tried to remember all that at the same time...

    It's actually easier than it sounds. And it helps distract from the mental aspect of running (running is mostly a head game). I find that I can count off quarter miles by counting my exhalations to 100.
  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    Keep doing it. Seriously, the best thing I ever did was never give up. There will be bad runs, run them anyway. They make the good runs euphoric. Pay attention to your food and fuel your runs. Nutrition is very important. Get plenty of rest and fluids.

    Thanks! :)
    Also, has anyone got any tips for how to deal with/prevent stitches?

    Absolutely!! I used to get horrible stitches.. and then researched them. Turns out its all about the way your internal organs are situated. I'm guessing you're right handed and get right side stitch? Well.. make sure you run on an empty stomach, and you need to learn to pace and control your breathing. Make sure you exhale on your left foot stomp. Try to exhale 3 steps, inhale 3 steps. Also avoid milk before a run as well.

    Will defs try! How long after eating would you say is best to run?

    I run fasted.. as early after I get up as I can. If I have to wait until afternoon to run for some reason, I make sure I've not eaten for at least three hours.. but I shoot for four.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Keep doing it. Seriously, the best thing I ever did was never give up. There will be bad runs, run them anyway. They make the good runs euphoric. Pay attention to your food and fuel your runs. Nutrition is very important. Get plenty of rest and fluids.

    Thanks! :)
    Also, has anyone got any tips for how to deal with/prevent stitches?

    Absolutely!! I used to get horrible stitches.. and then researched them. Turns out its all about the way your internal organs are situated. I'm guessing you're right handed and get right side stitch? Well.. make sure you run on an empty stomach, and you need to learn to pace and control your breathing. Make sure you exhale on your left foot stomp. Try to exhale 3 steps, inhale 3 steps. Also avoid milk before a run as well.

    Will defs try! How long after eating would you say is best to run?

    I run fasted.. as early after I get up as I can. If I have to wait until afternoon to run for some reason, I make sure I've not eaten for at least three hours.. but I shoot for four.

    Will try the 3-4 hours, if I go as soon as I get up and haven't eaten anything, I get really dizzy.
  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member

    Will try the 3-4 hours, if I go as soon as I get up and haven't eaten anything, I get really dizzy.

    Maybe you should try to eat some low glycemic carbs at bedtime (fiber cereal, multigrain stuff, etc) to stabilize your blood sugar and give you sustained carb energy... or try to run with gels or chews.
  • rachmaree
    rachmaree Posts: 782 Member
    Have you seen the c25k program? That is a great way to build up to 5km.
    I find that it is easiest for me to run at least an hour after I have eaten, and after a strong coffee. If you feel pain, you should definitely not push yourself.
    A good pair of shoes is essential.
  • PennyNickel14
    PennyNickel14 Posts: 749 Member
    Couch to 5 K or Bridge to 10 K depending on where you are in the program.

    Best thing I ever did was buy a high impact sports bra :)

    The key is to just keep trying and it's cool to run in the rain !!
  • iheartyarn
    iheartyarn Posts: 141 Member
    Check out the c25k program, go slower than you think you should when starting to go longer intervals, I eat a light snack about an hour before I go. And for stitches if I get one my breathing is usually too shallow, so I will really make sure to exhale completely for a few breaths then they go away
  • ramius
    ramius Posts: 91
    Ok here's mine.. now to preface I NEVER ran before about a year ago and here's my little gems.. not that I'm a full on Runner but i can do 5ks :) -- and I CAN run :)

    Ok so first I highly highly highly recommend the C25K program.. it works and its awesome. you do intervals and it works you up slowly so at the end of the 9 weeks you're ready to race..

    Besides that what others have said.. SHOES SHOES SHOES.. now I went to a running store and had my feet looked at etc.. on the computer .. and that alone got rid of my shin splints ..

    Foam Rollers -- Learn how to use them.. I was getting really stiff the following day that I ran .. but this HELPED a lot -- if you go to a gym ask one of the trainers of if your gym has a run club they'll all know about them.

    i was getting a lot of knee pain -- what seems to have helped me is constancy in taking the following 2 suppliments -- 1, glucosamine chondroitin and 2, Fish Oil Omega 3 -- after about a week of taking these the pain in my knees is a LOT less -- i won't say its 100% gone but I hardly notice it where as before I had to lay off running at all for 3 - 4 days every week or 2.

    Oh and of course don't forget music that motivates you to run.. I got a track set that when my brain starts thinking .. OMG will this be over... another song kicks in and I just keep going :) --

    Thats what I got.. hope it helps you in some small way -- use what works for you and listen to your body.. thats all the advice I can give :) -- Good luck and Keep on movin :)
  • Don't run every day especially at first. Your connective tissues need time to strengthen. Take a walk break if you need there is absolutely no shame in catching your breath or taking a second to refocus. Have fun! And stretch when you are done.
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    Look out for cars, don't step in dog poop.....use deodarant, and oh yeah! Run with both feet:P
  • Josedavid
    Josedavid Posts: 695 Member
    I was running NOTHING 5 months ago... and nothing means that... nothing!

    I graduated c25k and start running in a runners club every two weeks. 5km, 8km, 6km, 10km, etc... till i finished my first Half Marathon last 10th February (2hrs3min and my weight is still 112, 30less than when i began losing weight)

    My very humble tips are (and bear in mind that i am not a proper runner!)

    - Appropiate shoes (it cost me an ilitiobial band syndrome to know that even if my Adidas cushion 20 are great they are neutral and it seems that i am overpronator!!)
    - Find your pace (easy to say so right? that is ****ing difficult! but you dont know how... there is a day when you find it, for me is 5min 20sec per km if im ok or running for 10km and 6min per km if i go for 21km)
    - Vaseline, vaseline and vaseline! haha... bleeding nipples are, definitely not nice!! so make sure you put some vaseline in your nipples, under your arms, in between your legs and in between your toes to avoid any damage.
    - Find a great music playlist! (for me is kind of techno for fast runs or short distances and rock + pop rock for long distances)
    - Listen to your body, if you are thirsty, drink water and having a cereal bar or a banana in a pocket is always a good tip!
    - Do not try to follow others... your run is YOUR run, find your pace and take it easy
    - Bring your id with you, just in case...
    - Put some money in your pocket, notes not coins, just in case you need to take the bus to come back to the starting point!
    - Slow down if you feel pain, it doesnt matter how fast you go at the beggining but is it important not to stop... if you feel pain, stop

    Even if joggers never smile when jogging is not true that we dont enjoy it... is just that we enjoy it afterwards!
  • zenJes
    zenJes Posts: 198 Member
    ok so i think proper running shoes is a must otherwise you will cause no end of problems later on, couch to five k has really helped alot of my friends who are new to running and also i try to have a small snack atleast two hours before i exercise that way i have the energy to go hard but i dont get stitch or indegestion etc an hour at the absolute minimum!!
    I have found that booking into fun runs is also great motivation for me to get out there like five ks etc then you have a really good motivating goal to train for!!
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
  • Hoakiebs
    Hoakiebs Posts: 430 Member
    Buy the book Galloway on Running. It's what got me started and I ended up running two marathons after reading it. Great tips on how to ease into it and how to improve.