Carb rotation meal plan. Will it work, or am I crazy?

Hey guys. Gotta a question about the carb cycling/rotation diet. I've been on a low calorie diet now for awhile (4+ months) and in the beginning I lost 10 pounds at a decent rate. Now its non existent. My maintenance is roughly 2200 and I've been cycling just my calories. 1700 for 3 days, and then up them up with some oatmeal and wraps for 2 days at 2200. I'm doing HIIT and drinking over a gallon of water a day, but yet the weight just isn't coming off. I heard about this concept of carb cycling and I was wondering what your advice would be for this diet...

It would be a Hi/Low/No carb diet... This is what I'd eat while on it, and then repeat. Any critique or advice would be awesome..


High day...

Meal #1

Teaspoon of olive oil. 4 egg whites. half a pound of broccoli. A quarter of a red onion and some red pepper flakes, curry spice for some flavor. Basically an omelet. With a cup of oatmeal, 2 scoops whey protein, and a cup and a half of almond milk.

Meal #2

Teaspoon of olive oil. 4 egg whites. half a pound of broccoli. A quarter of a red onion and some red pepper flakes, curry spice for some flavor. Basically an omelet. Just the omelet this time.

Meal #3

Repeat again with a teaspoon of olive oil. 4 egg whites. half a pound of broccoli. A quarter of a red onion and some red pepper flakes, curry spice for some flavor. Basically an omelet. With a cup of oatmeal with a cup and a half of almond milk. Just like the 3rd meal only this time I'd take out the whey protein.

Meal #4

Teaspoon of olive oil. 4 egg whites. half a pound of broccoli. A quarter of a red onion and some red pepper flakes, curry spice for some flavor. Basically an omelet. Just the omelet this time again.

Low day...

Meal #1

Teaspoon of olive oil. 4 egg whites. half a pound of broccoli. A quarter of a red onion and some red pepper flakes, curry spice for some flavor. Basically an omelet. With a cup of oatmeal, 2 scoops whey protein, and a cup and a half of almond milk.

Meal #2

Teaspoon of olive oil. 4 egg whites. half a pound of broccoli. A quarter of a red onion and some red pepper flakes, curry spice for some flavor. Basically an omelet. Just the omelet this time.

Meal #3

Teaspoon of olive oil. 4 egg whites. half a pound of broccoli. A quarter of a red onion and some red pepper flakes, curry spice for some flavor. Basically an omelet. Just the omelet this time.

Meal #4

Teaspoon of olive oil. 4 egg whites. half a pound of broccoli. A quarter of a red onion and some red pepper flakes, curry spice for some flavor. Basically an omelet. Just the omelet this time.

No Carb Day...

Meal #1

Teaspoon of olive oil, 2 egg whites, 2 egg yolks, a can of tuna fish and some spices.

Meal #2

Teaspoon of olive oil, 2 egg whites, 2 egg yolks, and a nice sized chicken breast.

Meal #3

Teaspoon of olive oil, 4 egg whites, a can of tuna, and again some spices for flavor.

Meal #4

Teaspoon of olive oil, 4 egg whites, and again a nice sized chicken breast or some turkey.

Am I even in the ball park thinking this will jump start the weight loss again? I know the calories are pretty low. So maybe up the olive oil to a tablespoon every time instead of just a teaspoon? That would also up the fats as well.

Another question. I was thinking of starting this diet with a 3 day start with the no carbs and then start the cycling process after those initial 3 days and then go into the Hi/Low/No.

Any thoughts? Good idea or am I just an idiot? I'm not immensely overweight, I just have those last few 10 pounds that I can't seem to shed. And those blasted love handles. I can see abs starting to show as I've been doing ab ripper X for a bit now, but I seem to have just stalled and its frustrating. I gotta assume some of you have had this experience and I was hoping that someone might have some advice in the matter. Is it possible that my calories are too low? I mean I'm not drastically under maintenance. Or have I just lowered them for such a time that my metabolism as slowed to a snails pace?

I'd be grateful for any insight on this. As I'm new to all of this....



  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    There seems to be alot of oil in that diet even on low days! and whats with all the egg whites, the yolk is the best part!

    If by carb recycling you mean having carbs one day and not another why not just do some meals with no additional carbs (and no oil!) you could do a grilled or roasted chicken or turkey breast or fish cooked in the oven in a bag (no batter, breadcrumbs) and have steamed vegetables or salad with it.

    I do something similar, sometimes i have a quick shake for breakfast and piece of fruit if don't have time to do anything other days I have oatmeal or even Rice Krispies. some of the days I won't have carbs again if I had oats for breakfast, some days if i had a shake I'll allow gluten free toast for lunch (poached or scrambled eggs or beans on toast), some days I might only allow it for main meal and have sweet potato chips with my fish and something like green beans.

    Other days I may just have 2 shakes for breakfast and lunch and a really light salad with fish or chicken and have no 'processed carbs' at all.

    I also have high cal days where i might have oats for breakfast, toast or wrap with lunch and roast potatoes with sunday dinner, it depends on how much exercise I have managed to get in that day too, if I've done over a 1,000 cals in exercise, plus the cals I burn just moving about, I can easily afford a 'high cal day' and not gain.

    This has worked for me I'm 37lb down now with only 5lbs left to go.. started last June.
  • You think that's a lot of oil. Wellllllllllll I think I'm gonna add even more... A lot more... From what I've been reading you need that fat to boost weight loss, and also my calories are still under maintenance. Also, 4 tablespoons of olive oil have been shown to a good thing actually. It's one of the best fats around... So after crunching the numbers this is a better meal plan then the last one stated. Tell me what you all think!

    So after going over this and figuring out the numbers I think on the high days I'll keep the olive oil to 4 teaspoons, but add another cup of oatmeal. Which would be 175 carbs and 2075 calories. For the low I'll swap out the teaspoons for tablespoons and that ups the calories and fat. Calories to 1945 and the carbs will be down to 105.

    IMPORTANT QUESTION.... Is 105 too high for the low day?

    And again for the no carb day I'll swap the olive oil again to tablespoons which will help up the calories and fat intake.

    Does this meal plan make any more sense than the other one I first posted?

    Any insight, any insight at all would be greatly appreciated.
  • japruzze
    japruzze Posts: 453 Member
    Looks yuck! Too me. Might work but to what end? Are you just wanting to drop weight and aren't concerned about keeping it off? You can't maintain that regimens for long and not go crazy. Eat a regular balance of food in moderation and you'll loss and keep it off!
  • That is a ton!!!! of eggs. I have been following my fitness plan calories and carbs and fats. I stay under those and I have been consistantly loosing weight. I am down 7lbs in 3 weeks since I started counting calories. I don't believe that any extreme diets work. Even if they do temp the weight will come back on because you can't eat like that forever. It seems like too many calories to me as well. I usually eat between 1200 and 1600. I even eat a small amount of mac and cheese here and there but I log it and eat healthy other times. I usually have carbs with each meal but just portion them.
  • jimmie25
    jimmie25 Posts: 266
    low carb diets work for many people as long as you're on them but once you start eating "normal" again the weight will be back. seen it happen to my mom.
  • I was on a low cal diet and lost 10 LBS at a fast rate, and then it stopped. Well hmmm I thought. So I lowered them, and now I just finished trying to "cycle" the cals, and yet the weight was still not coming off. There was a point around Christmas where I was only eating 1200 calories if that a day. I know now that I wasn't eating enough and probably put myself in starvation mode. The calorie cycling didn't seem to do much better either, but I heard its the carbs you need to cycle. I only wanna loose these last 10 pounds and trust me. I've tried, this is kind of a last resort. I'm doing HIIT everyday, but I'm gonna start a more long session cardio. 9 and a half minutes at a decent pace/fast pace, and then 30 seconds of a more intense pace. Repeat that 6 times for an hour. Also gives me a chance to catch up on the shows I've missed on The Food Network. My maintenance of calories is right around 2300. Which even on my highest day as you can see is still only 2075. And we're not even adding in all the cardio. On top of that, I'm a Teppanyaki Chef. ( The chefs who cook in front of you, play with fire, throw knives around) That's a workout in itself. I figure once I lose these last few pounds (Damn love handles!) I can go back to a regular diet that's around my maintenance and should be fine. I start this next week. We'll see how it goes!
  • solarpower03
    solarpower03 Posts: 12,161 Member
    I was on a low cal diet and lost 10 LBS at a fast rate, and then it stopped. Well hmmm I thought. So I lowered them, and now I just finished trying to "cycle" the cals, and yet the weight was still not coming off. There was a point around Christmas where I was only eating 1200 calories if that a day. I know now that I wasn't eating enough and probably put myself in starvation mode. The calorie cycling didn't seem to do much better either, but I heard its the carbs you need to cycle. I only wanna loose these last 10 pounds and trust me. I've tried, this is kind of a last resort. I'm doing HIIT everyday, but I'm gonna start a more long session cardio. 9 and a half minutes at a decent pace/fast pace, and then 30 seconds of a more intense pace. Repeat that 6 times for an hour. Also gives me a chance to catch up on the shows I've missed on The Food Network. My maintenance of calories is right around 2300. Which even on my highest day as you can see is still only 2075. And we're not even adding in all the cardio. On top of that, I'm a Teppanyaki Chef. ( The chefs who cook in front of you, play with fire, throw knives around) That's a workout in itself. I figure once I lose these last few pounds (Damn love handles!) I can go back to a regular diet that's around my maintenance and should be fine. I start this next week. We'll see how it goes!

    It works- go here and it has all planned for you
    Carb cycling + weight lifting + HIIT is the best way to lose stubborn belly fat. Well, you still need to be in calorie deficit.