Pumpkin Hummis fron the Eat-Clean Diet Cookbook

CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
Wed 04/15/09 01:54 PMI will attemt to post the pumpkin hummus recipe. It is from the book the eat clean diet cookbook.. I think you would have to get used to the taste. It tasted pretty good to me. But I like Punpkin. It said you can used fresh pumpkin, sweet potatoes, butternut or acorn Squash cooked.

2 T. tahini
2 T fresh lemon juice
1t, ground cumin
1 t. pumkin oil
3/4 t. sea salt
1/2 t ground pepper
15 oz canned pumpkin
4 cloves garlic passed throught a garlic press.
2 T. cilanto

place all engredients in a food processor. Process till amooth.
Spoon into a decorative serving bowl and serve chilled

Calories 48 per 1 T.
fat 1 g.
protein 0.6g.
carbs 9 g.
fiber 3 g
sugar 1 g
Sodium 77 mg.

I posted this in the recipe Thread.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Wed 04/15/09 01:54 PMI will attemt to post the pumpkin hummus recipe. It is from the book the eat clean diet cookbook.. I think you would have to get used to the taste. It tasted pretty good to me. But I like Punpkin. It said you can used fresh pumpkin, sweet potatoes, butternut or acorn Squash cooked.

    2 T. tahini
    2 T fresh lemon juice
    1t, ground cumin
    1 t. pumkin oil
    3/4 t. sea salt
    1/2 t ground pepper
    15 oz canned pumpkin
    4 cloves garlic passed throught a garlic press.
    2 T. cilanto

    place all engredients in a food processor. Process till amooth.
    Spoon into a decorative serving bowl and serve chilled

    Calories 48 per 1 T.
    fat 1 g.
    protein 0.6g.
    carbs 9 g.
    fiber 3 g
    sugar 1 g
    Sodium 77 mg.

    I posted this in the recipe Thread.