So, I'm back at college. School started again, and WHAM, 17 assignments in only 3 classes! I've been so busy, and so stressed that I ate all my problem foods, let my parents convince me into going to a buffet.
Now I think I've gained.
I feel so horrible.
I'm so disappointed that I don't even enter in my calories anymore.
I just need a good way to focus. I'm staying up until 1:30 AM every night doing projects for all my classes, and then getting up at 5:30 to start an early morning class.
It's just not working, and I feel like quitting, but I want to lose weight so BAD.
I need help.
I need some really good motivation.
I've been crying from stress, and it's just not working.


  • cellorocker
    So, I'm back at college. School started again, and WHAM, 17 assignments in only 3 classes! I've been so busy, and so stressed that I ate all my problem foods, let my parents convince me into going to a buffet.
    Now I think I've gained.
    I feel so horrible.
    I'm so disappointed that I don't even enter in my calories anymore.
    I just need a good way to focus. I'm staying up until 1:30 AM every night doing projects for all my classes, and then getting up at 5:30 to start an early morning class.
    It's just not working, and I feel like quitting, but I want to lose weight so BAD.
    I need help.
    I need some really good motivation.
    I've been crying from stress, and it's just not working.
  • shabby4
    shabby4 Posts: 19
    I truly feel your pain!

    I'm a teacher so my day starts at 5:30 and I usually don't get home until 5:30 at which time I continue to do work for school or this week, work on my Master's thesis. I feel overwhelmed and overextended and just crappy in general. I walked in the door and cried today just from frustration. I too have not been good about logging in my calories this week due to time restraints and worry over what that calorie count might be.


    Just keep trying. Eating well and/or working out might just be the best part of your busy day because it is all for YOU! I have found that finding even 20 minutes to work out on one of these days can make me feel much better because at least I did something positive for me when most of the rest of the day does not.

    I hope will stick with it. I'm trying to get past the busy-ness of life too. We need to keep supporting each other! :flowerforyou:
  • jdonahue
    jdonahue Posts: 41 Member
    That is the one thing I hated about college--no sleep!!

    Don't let your slip-up keep you from trying. Just keep going!! You can do it!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    A lot of it can boil down to time management and planning hour by hour. Sometimes there really *aren't* enough hours in the day. But sometimes we don't use all of our time efficiently. I do understand. This is one of the heaviest semesters I have...I have a weekly project every week in three of my classes, and regular homework on top of that. In my lighter semesters, I work a job or two. It can be really stressful and discouraging, but if you plan your entire week hour by hour on a calendar or date book, you'll find that you can fit a TON of stuff into a day! My schedule used to look like

    6:45-7:30 cardio
    7:30-9 breakfast and drive to class
    9-1 class
    1-2 lift
    2-5 class (yea stinky, no shower)
    6-10 work

    and I'd do homework after work. Was I tired and stressed? absolutely. But I stuck to it, and now I have a lot of money and a much smaller waist, and I survived. And guess what? Now taking 16-18 credits is old hat for me, and second semester senior year I can relax during my internship and take one elective just so I'm enrolled full time. I'm thinking of doing bowling 101 :glasses: