

  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    hey, I just had my 4 month anniversary from quiting!!!! I quit with hypnosis 3 1/2 yrs ago and was good for 7 months and started again. this time I used the commit lozenges. It was easier to quit with the commit. My husband quit 6 days before me and we both used the same 1 box. so we both quit for less than $40.00. I was a smoker for 28yrs, my husband for almost 20, and we loved it and didn't want to quit, but for the kids and our future we just had to. we planned for and pushed up the quite date for 3 months .
    You can do it.... try the commit and you'll be so pleasently surprised that you have NO withdrawls........I still want one sometimes, but I don't need one..... After a while it is just a matter of mind says yes, and I say No and it works.

    Good Luck.....Just say No to smokes:noway: