A little bit about me

I'm 26-years-old and I live in the Midlands. I'm a healthy weight. Looking at me, you wouldn't think there was anything to change, but inside my body is failing me. I'm lethargic all the time, suffer from stomach/abdominal problems (mainly constipation) and my immune system is weaker than average. I decided, with a little help and guidance from my brother, alexhill88, that I needed to change. He directed me to this website and I can already see that it's motivated me. I love the food/exercise diaries as it really helps you to keep track of what you're doing, and it makes you aware of the stuff you are putting in your body. I am going to stick with this website and really change myself. I'm feeling so ill and I've got no one to blame but myself. It is time to change!

Thanks for reading x