Weight Watchers Points Plus and MFP



  • vickie28
    vickie28 Posts: 68 Member
    I have started w w every year it seems and end up quitting -- last year i followed it faithfully & did workouts, 5 days a week
    I lost 1/2 pd a week thats 2 pds a month -- wasn't worth it to me-- then my sis started counting calories and she dropped weight --- so i went exploring and found this site-- its free , much better format than w w on line, & I'm losing each week 1 1/2 - 2 pds-- ( except I just got bck from a 2 week vacation didn't have the internet-- don't have that kind of phone-- so I will weigh next weds. to see how much damage I did-- I walked alot ) --the free fruits & veggies on w w i think got me-- cos I went back 4 days on this site and my fruits and veggies I eat where between 375--475 cal a day -- that adds up !! Get some freinds on here for support -- read alot , and check out different web sites like for recipes skinnytaste.com is great :) good luck !
  • vickie28
    vickie28 Posts: 68 Member
    you sound just like ME !! Good luck with this site -- I love it and its FREE !! I cancelled my w w on line too... the funny thing is we moved to the country 10 yrs ago so going to class wasn't an option-- i wished they would start a class out here for w w ( in 92 I lost 60 pds with w w ) so here after all these years -- a class opened up at our community center for w w -- at the same time i found this site-- in fact i found this on Jan 2 & was going to sign up the next day for w w classes-- but I losing weight & saving money with MFP -- good luckto you !
  • gingersnap78
    I actually do both and have lost 10 pounds in about 5 weeks. I don't have any of the WW books, etc., because you can find all the WW info online, including the Points Calculator. I use MFP to track everything (food, exercise, and goals) and then in the "add note" section on the bottom of the food diary page, I log my points for each meal.

    What has helped me significantly is eating apple slices, an orange, or a green salad with low fat dressing before I eat any meal (although I'm sure any fruit or veggie would work - WW allows almost any fruit or veggie at no point cost), and I've cut out all soda and fruit juice (except for a Cherry Coke Zero once in a while), and I've switched to non fat milk.

    I've found logging everything into MFP has made me actually aware of what I eat and it really has helped me make smarter decisions overall.
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    This sounds like a silly question, but if eating fruits and veggies are considered to be zero points, and they do contain calories, is there a way to figure out how many points they should be so that no one goes over their calories? There has to be a way to find out what the point value would be for fruits and veggies, right?

    The whole reasoning for "free" fruit and veggies {in proper portion control!} is to encourage healthier snacking. The point system is set up to encourage healthier, protein rich foods, than a piece of white bread, or sugar laden-ed snack. Really, I was overweight when I joined and it certainly was NOT from eating too many fruits and veggies!
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    i also was wondering about the fruit and veggie thing.. how can they be 0 points? all fruit contain calories, so if one is eating lots of fruit, they may be having a high intake of calories a day and too many calories b/c they think they are making a healthy choice.... right... i found when i started to try to eat healthy i was doing just that, eating fruit several times a day, then when i joined on mfp, i logged in all my fruit on day and WOW it was half my daily calories, just in fruit! no Wonder i couldn't loose any weight... i love my fruit and won't stop eating it but i realized only once or twice a day otherwise i'm eating too many calories in fruit.eg) i never knew a banana was over 100 cal
  • needlework
    needlework Posts: 141 Member
    This sounds like a silly question, but if eating fruits and veggies are considered to be zero points, and they do contain calories, is there a way to figure out how many points they should be so that no one goes over their calories? There has to be a way to find out what the point value would be for fruits and veggies, right?

    The whole reasoning for "free" fruit and veggies {in proper portion control!} is to encourage healthier snacking. The point system is set up to encourage healthier, protein rich foods, than a piece of white bread, or sugar laden-ed snack. Really, I was overweight when I joined and it certainly was NOT from eating too many fruits and veggies!
  • needlework
    needlework Posts: 141 Member
    I understand the thinking behind the free fruits and veggies, but "common sense" will tell you that there are calories in fruits and veggies and would definitely add up. From the stuff I read it sounds like a lot of people are struggling because of the "free" foods. I have also read that the first points program people had more success. Sounds like maybe trying to find information on the original points program might be a better option and help to lose weight faster. Is that info still available, or is WW trying to get rid of that info to profit from the points plus?
  • modernmom70
    modernmom70 Posts: 373 Member
    The free fruit and veggies is worked into your daily points allotment. However, it is assuming that you are following the recommended dailies for those things, in other words it shouldn't be a free for all to eat 10 banana's. You can calculate points for you fruit and your veggies you just have to use the ni.
    I lost my weight on the old plan where veggies were free but not fruit.
  • needlework
    needlework Posts: 141 Member
    So it kind of sounds like if you actually count your fruits as a minimum of 1 point instead of zero then maybe people would have better luck and lose faster than not counting the fruits at all. From what I've seen online on other web pages, people seemed to have more success on the regular points program than the points plus. Make sense?
  • needlework
    needlework Posts: 141 Member
  • irisheyes226
    irisheyes226 Posts: 27 Member
    I am currently doing WW and MFP. I'm a brand new MFP member though, I just joined on Thursday, when I hit my highest weight while being on WW for 4 months...

    I have done WW on and off for years. I lost 40 lbs on it 4 years ago, but gained it back. I have a job that makes it hard to attend a scheduled meetings on the same day every week. Because of this, I've been going to different meetings and not making any friends so I do not have a WW support system and the meeting leaders don't know me very well. In the 4 days I've been on MFP, I've made random friends, who are already encouraging and motivating me. And you know what? I love to encourage and motivate them too!

    I think the things that WW teach you, can also be learned on MFP. Eat as close to clean as possible - fruits, veggies, whole grains, meat, non-fat dairy, etc. Eat less processed foods. Eat foods that are high in protein and fiber.

    I have learned that I am most successful when I pre-plan my meals and when I track what I eat. I think you can stick to one program to do this. Having to track on 2 different programs would be confusing and overwhelming and would probably cause me to fail..

    Good luck in your journey! Feel free to add me and we can help motivate each other!