Its not the end of the world..

One common theme I find is people feeling it's the end of the world if they don't lose 50lbs, or wear x-size or if we don't look the cover of any magazine (I'm one of them). We spend so many hours planning, torturing, and putting ourselves down to look a certain way. We miss so much of life trying to achieve the "best" body and when we fall short, we down ourselves and others, and fall into states of defeat. We spend thousands of dollars on "health" foods, supplements, protein shakes, trainers, exercise equipment etc... Life's purpose has become to be the best looking person on earth and we will do anything to get that. We are a bunch of mindless zombies looking for the latest post or even research on how to look our best. From this point on this will not be the end of the world for me, I will laugh, play, run, dance, eat ice cream and pizza with my friends and family on the weekend, cook feasts on holidays, love, and enjoy life. The reason, even the "healthiest", "fittest" people die, but do they really live? It's not the end of the world, love yourself and others. For me there are more important things in life than looking "good.' This is not about avoiding illnesses and diseases, this about how we look on the outside. If really getting that body is important to you than just remember be kind to and love yourself and enjoy the process. :) Hope everyone has a happy "safe" journey.


  • NaturalinCO
    NaturalinCO Posts: 164 Member
    Love this, because I have spent my life feeling fat - only to be actually in NEED of losing weight after having my 2 kids. I definitely beat myself up from time to time - practice makes perfect right? - but I'm also learning to be very kind to myself and my body because it does SO much for me. As long as I feed it well and listen to what it needs during workouts, I feel I'm honoring the body God gave me. It will never be perfect, what does that look like anyway? But it's mine and I do want it to look and feel the way I want it to - so for once in my life I'm doing it the right way. For the most part, I'm able to truly enjoy the journey :)