Fell off the wagon for a week



  • Boingo1
    Boingo1 Posts: 205 Member
    Every decision we make is a STEP - either closer to, or farther from your goal. We're all striving to make the best decision we can each time we're presented options. Right now, your options are to start now or start tomorrow. :wink: Go get 'em, Tiger!

    That in itself is VERY motivating !!! Good thinking!
  • celtsguy81
    celtsguy81 Posts: 37 Member
    I was reading a success story the other day and the guy was talking about how he had to overcome certain obstacles, but ultimately made it. It got me to thinking that *IF* I am able to get down to my goal weight and be in-shape... that I'm going to have to overcome some as well.

    At first this kind of made me disappointed and un-motivated.. but then I thought about it more and decided that it's a good thing. Do you want to get into awesome shape and tell someone it wasn't a big deal at all? Like you walked to the mailbox to get the mail and "poof!", you're instantly in shape?

    That's not true. And now I actually look forward to finding and tackling my obstacles. I am mentally meeting each challenge with a "that's a good one!" and know that beating those things are what is going to get me where I want to be.

    I think falling off the wagon for a week, while natural, should be considered an obstacle. Do you let the lapse be what beats you? Or is it just another hurdle whose a** you kicked? Get back on the horse, dude. Good luck!
  • astow8
    astow8 Posts: 24
    Thanks everyone for the posts! When i said i would start again tomorrow i meant i would start the gym again tomorrow because the gym will be closed by the time i get off work today :) ive been eating healthy all day so far again though!
  • alex6971
    alex6971 Posts: 51 Member
    I feel exactly the same as you. Had a rough few days and have overeaten by 1000+ calories for the past 2 days. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.