MFP Nike + Challenge!

VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
Hey to all you runners and walkers! If you have a nike + system for your shoes than this is the challenge for you. The challenge is, who can run 50 miles first? I made the challenge on the nike plus website, it's called "MFP Runners Only!" The challenge will not start on the nike website until April 20th, that will give people time to join and see this thread, and it will last for a month, of course it will be over once someone hits 50 miles (this was my first time making a challenge on there so hopefully I did it right) Don' t know what nike + is? Well heres what it is...

~Nike plus is basically a computer chip that connects your ipod to your shoes or this watch thing you can get, (most use the shoes) If you don't have the correct shoes than you can put the chip in this pillow thing that they sell at running stores. It tracks your mileage, time, pace, and calories burned. They sell for 30 dollars at target and stores like that. You can then track your runs and join challenges on the nike plus website, plus theres lots of other fun stuff on there.

Let me know if you want to join or if there are any questions, I will make another post on the 19th, good luck to all of us!!

~Leash :heart:


  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Hey to all you runners and walkers! If you have a nike + system for your shoes than this is the challenge for you. The challenge is, who can run 50 miles first? I made the challenge on the nike plus website, it's called "MFP Runners Only!" The challenge will not start on the nike website until April 20th, that will give people time to join and see this thread, and it will last for a month, of course it will be over once someone hits 50 miles (this was my first time making a challenge on there so hopefully I did it right) Don' t know what nike + is? Well heres what it is...

    ~Nike plus is basically a computer chip that connects your ipod to your shoes or this watch thing you can get, (most use the shoes) If you don't have the correct shoes than you can put the chip in this pillow thing that they sell at running stores. It tracks your mileage, time, pace, and calories burned. They sell for 30 dollars at target and stores like that. You can then track your runs and join challenges on the nike plus website, plus theres lots of other fun stuff on there.

    Let me know if you want to join or if there are any questions, I will make another post on the 19th, good luck to all of us!!

    ~Leash :heart:
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Joined up. I'll be waiting for you all at the finish line :wink:
  • ianconway
    ianconway Posts: 194 Member
    Come one, Come All!

    I've joined up. Can't wait to start!
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    I joined and I am happy to know I can trash talk in two places now :laugh: :drinker:
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    bump :happy:
  • ianconway
    ianconway Posts: 194 Member
    Hey Guys! Don't forget to sign up for this! The Challenge starts tomorrow!

  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Put in my first run today! Its weird that running is starting to become something I look forward to.
  • star139
    star139 Posts: 134
    I joined today!!!! Haven't run for the past week and a half (awful cold :grumble: )

    But i'm ready to get in the game!!!
  • shoppingqueen34
    shoppingqueen34 Posts: 226 Member
    I just joined today! Good luck to everyone - this is fun!
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    On your marks...get set.......gooooooooo! Hope everyone has a good kick start to the challenge today! :drinker:
  • Dusty74
    Dusty74 Posts: 68
    Well, I got 4.?? miles in today. This sucks cause in two weeks I'll be back in that damn hotel for another week. My work wants me to take all these classes to get CE hours and more certifications that I'll never see another dime for. Ticks me off that they cut into my treadmill and biking time :explode:
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Got in 7 today.

    Hey dusty, see if your hotel has a gym, most do and you can get some runs in while off being tortured to get your CE's in, ahhh, well at least you will have some new? knowledge to fill your noggin with :wink:
  • Dusty74
    Dusty74 Posts: 68
    Got in 7 today.

    Hey dusty, see if your hotel has a gym, most do and you can get some runs in while off being tortured to get your CE's in, ahhh, well at least you will have some new? knowledge to fill your noggin with :wink:
    They do have a 'fitness center' consisting of 2 worn out treadmills, a recumbent bike and an incline board. I did find a few minutes to walk last week, but this class coming up is a @#$%*&... I've been out of school for 15 years... didn't like algebra then, hate it now but I have to use it every day and the test I am getting ready to take is actually harder than the next license class- so finding time to use the machines will be at a premium. No worries though, I get back at it when I get back. I KNOW I cannot 'win' the challenge but I'll stick with it to the end.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Got in 7 today.

    Hey dusty, see if your hotel has a gym, most do and you can get some runs in while off being tortured to get your CE's in, ahhh, well at least you will have some new? knowledge to fill your noggin with :wink:
    They do have a 'fitness center' consisting of 2 worn out treadmills, a recumbent bike and an incline board. I did find a few minutes to walk last week, but this class coming up is a @#$%*&... I've been out of school for 15 years... didn't like algebra then, hate it now but I have to use it every day and the test I am getting ready to take is actually harder than the next license class- so finding time to use the machines will be at a premium. No worries though, I get back at it when I get back. I KNOW I cannot 'win' the challenge but I'll stick with it to the end.

    What? You don't like frayed and smoking cardio machines :noway: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • in_to_win
    in_to_win Posts: 17
    How accurate do you find the Nike+? I've had two and then ended up buying a Garmin and realized that the Nike+ was more than .75miles off on my 5mile route!
  • Dusty74
    Dusty74 Posts: 68
    How accurate do you find the Nike+? I've had two and then ended up buying a Garmin and realized that the Nike+ was more than .75miles off on my 5mile route!
    Did you calibrate the Nike+? It says it is fairly accurate for "most" people. I would guarantee that my stride is nowhere near the people that the Nike+ is marketed towards.

    I checked mine when I first got it and it was off by .27 miles. The access road to my plant is exactly 1 mile, and I calibrated it, it's dead on now.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    How accurate do you find the Nike+? I've had two and then ended up buying a Garmin and realized that the Nike+ was more than .75miles off on my 5mile route!

    I find that it is off, definitely not in my favor, by about 0.08 for each mile I run / walk. So today I got in 7.04 miles and I probably did closer to 8 but I will live. I find it to be motivating to get online and "compete" with other runners for distance, I like to see my name move up the leader boards. :wink:

    As far as calories go it is within 25 calories per workout of my body bugg so I figure the calorie portion is more important. Yes, I look like a tech geek when I go out, armbands on both arms :tongue:
  • michellesthings
    is it still to late to join?
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    It just started today so go for it! :drinker:
  • michellesthings
    I just finished joining on Nike. Thanks guys!