advice appretiacted and needed



  • tangerine81
    It sounds like she was only happy with your friendship when you were just as miserable as she was. A true friend will love you no matter what you look like or whether you decide to change your appearance - although they may not understand why you feel like you want to then the bottom line is - they should support you.

    My friend joined slimming world with me, she did so much better, getting to goal in a matter of weeks whereas im still trying, i was insanely jealous but its not her fault i wasnt succeeding - thats just down to me and i would never have let that affect our friendship

    Its almost like you being the big one was what was making her confident in your friendship and her bulimia comment just goes to show she was never a true friend. Im sorry that this has happened to you, and i hope you can find some real friends who love and support you no matter what.
  • tangerine81
    I'm only 28, fairly young however few things I have learned

    True friendships lasts forever. I got few friends who I havent talked for years but if I get in touch with them, we would be right where we left off.
    Some friendships have an expiration date. Those are the friendships that start strong and its all lovey dovey, never anything going wrong and then BAM! its all over. Only time tested friendships lasts

    There are a few rules I live my life with. Wether these rules have made me a success or a failure, idk but it has made me, ME

    1) forgive, but never forget
    2) Always keep your door open, but be selective about opening your heart.

    I think both of those things apply to you currently. Forgive her mistakes. Tell her that you still consider her a friend and that she's more than welcome to get in touch whenever she feels like getting back in touch with her. If she comes back, well, forgive her but never forget. If she dont...oh well.

    Just my $0.02

    totally agree with this from riz9007, i have lots of friends but my 3 true best mates ive known for 18, 12 and 10 years
  • trixirn
    trixirn Posts: 130 Member
    I would think that if she genuinely thought you had bulimia she would have talked to you and tried to help you, not ignore it for years and then be cruel about it when you net saw her. My guess is that she's working her own stuff out and trying to fix things in her life and perhaps she taking that bitterness out on those around her she sees as more successful.

    When people feel they're not on par with someone they either beat their chest to bring them selves up to your level or try to cut you down to bring you down to theirs.
    ^^this. Write her off. She wrote you off long ago. She's not worth it.
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    part of me wants to say
    "oh it was alright when I was the fat unattractive one but now you are it's a totally different story isn't it!"
    grrrrrr *shakes angry fist*

    But I am a better person than that so..... I agree with the above posters, cut loose and find friends that will cheer you on in that race, pick you up when you fall down and occasionally let you have that last cookie and pretend not to notice!