Not losing anything



  • runlaugheatpie
    runlaugheatpie Posts: 376 Member
    you are definitely not eating enough
    I see no water consumption
    no other drinks, tea coffee soda? what about that?

    fruit / veg?

    you aren't going to lose weight when you don't eat enough, that's for sure.
  • jez26
    jez26 Posts: 13
    I just checked out you diary, it shows you are eating only 3 meals a day, try adding some snacks in there too, eating every 3-4 hrs helps keep your metabolism going and stops your body from storing fat. :)
  • MaggiePuccini
    MaggiePuccini Posts: 248 Member
    I'm 5'1 and 327lb I am eating 1100-1200 calories a day for the last 3 weeks and am not losing any weight??

    I have less to lose but i'm not losing anything either............................................. I'm 5'1" too. I know people will think that i'm not remembering everything i eat or that i don't understand healthy eating or that i don't know how many calories foods have. If anything, I'm a little MORE INFORMED about this stuff than is healthy!
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    Try to eat below your TDEE and above your BMR. If you need help figuring out how to calculate what your TDEE and BMR are, I'd use the Military Body Fat calculator on the Fat2Fit Radio website to determine your body fat percentage, and use that information to plug into their BMR calculator.

    It's working for me (and I'd tried almost everything before this), and it's definitely worth a try.

    calculation here -

    I was on 1200 , but my BMR (Coma calories) is a few hundred over that, and 1200 was making me feel lightheaded, so I followed some good advice and have upped my calories. Now going to stay between BMR and TDEE.
  • lucyce85
    Thanks jess, I'm definitely interested I really struggle finding things I like to eat, my main exercise is walking as I got hit by a car and struggle with anything more, (I'm hoping this will get better as I lose weight) thanks
  • neenaj33
    neenaj33 Posts: 347 Member
    I'm 5'1 and 327lb I am eating 1100-1200 calories a day for the last 3 weeks and am not losing any weight??

    Girl its time to SHOCK that body...increase calories to about 1800, I guarantee VICTORYYY!!
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    I agree with the others - you're not eating enough fruit and veggies. Despite what others will tell you, 1200 CAN BE DONE - providing you eat wisely. Your welcome to take a look at my diary and see how much I eat for 1200 calories - and I still have energy to run 10kms or participate in a fast cardio or heavy weights session at the gym 5 days a week.

    Sure, you might be able to eat McDonalds and frozen meals and still be within your calorie goal - but your probably going to be a lot hungrier and a lot unhealthier by doing so. You havent marked down your water intake - are you getting 8-10 glasses perday? Water is necessary for metobolic processing - water is needed for just about every chemical reaction in your body.

    Are you also weighing your food and logging everything?

    This can be done, with patience and a level headed approach you will succeed!

    THIS ^

    Plus, Brooke is on my friend's list and I know what she is saying is correct, she is speaking truthfully.

    To the OP, it isn't always how many calories you eat, it is more about what you eat. Ensure you get lots of protein, fruit and veg. Weigh everything, guessing how much, a piece of cheese for instance weighs, you could be out by a couple of hundred calories and do that regularly and you will be way, way over your calorie allowance. Scales are a must when trying to lose weight.
  • lornathewizzard
    lornathewizzard Posts: 172 Member
    Hi, IMO, you definitely need to be eating more. Try a banana at breakfast, fruit snack packs from the supermarket if you're short of time, granola bars, yoghurt, snack packs of creamed rice (thats a personal favourite :) )
    Like a previous poster said, be level headed about it and you'll be fine. Make time for yourself. And good luck!

    Edit - Oh, and water, water, water!
  • lucyce85
    I'am weighing all pasta and cheese I eat so they're accurate.
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    I'am weighing all pasta and cheese I eat so they're accurate.

    MFP has set your goal calories to 1890 for a reason, I am curious why you have decided to reduce it even further to 1200.

    The 1890 already has a deficit built in for you to lose weight depending on what target loss you set. i.e 1lb, 2lb etc.
  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
    What do you mean by "keep it healthy"? Eating too few calories isn't healthy. And in any case, whatever you're doing clearly isn't working for you. Perhaps you should try things the way MFP suggests for a while, then see what sort progress you make.
    Eating when she is not hungry is not healthy either.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I got given 1890 cals but don't know how I can eat that many and keep it healthy?

    To be honest what you're currently eating is not healthy either. From your diary you're way under your calories and a lot of that is eating fast food. I'm not one to advocate ONLY eating healthy food but if you're eating fast food every day you're not making the best choices you could.

    Start adding fruit, start adding vegies and start drinking water. I guarantee you'll eat your calories if you have that type of food.

    What you're currently doing is not working so why not try eating more calories and see if that helps?
    Eating when she is not hungry is not healthy either.

    Not true. If you're not fueling your body then you are potentially damaging it. All us overweight/obese/morbidly obese people have broken our bodies and it's response to hunger. We need to fix that and sometimes you need to eat even when not hungry to help reset it. (NOT overeating or binging, but eating a healthy amount)
  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
    I got given 1890 cals but don't know how I can eat that many and keep it healthy?
    I know exactly what you mean. Try upping calories by 100 every couple of days. 1890 can be so overwhelming. Personally i never had problems with 1200 i lost weight steadily at 1pound a week. I only up'd my intake when i started trainin for a half marathon. It went to between 1400 to 1700. The shocker was my weight loss went up as well to 2pounds a week. The problem is, this week i wont be able to run due to injury and there is no way i ll get back to 1200 cals.
  • qwe3nz
    qwe3nz Posts: 29
    I looked at your dairy. The food you eat is mostly **** you need to start eating foods high in minerals and Vitamins not simple carbs (sugars).Even though your not eating past 1200 cal the food you do consume is mostly crap. Try cut out all the processed crap, eat veggies, fruit, lean cuts of meat (no fat on meat) and whole-grains (eg, brown rice, wholemeal bread etc) and nuts (not peanuts there high in cals and fat). Eat 5 small meals a day every 2-3 hours and drink heaps of water (at least 2L) and up your cals to 1600 or even 1800 and I bet you'll start losing the weight and fat. Track everything you eat if you dont your only cheating yourself. It helps. Sorry If this sounds mean im not trying to sound mean. I just never sugar coat anything I say.
  • floshideaway
    floshideaway Posts: 101 Member
    WATER,WATER, is a KEY ingredient to successful weight loss. 8 glasses is a minimum at your weight. The ideal amount of water for you would be 8 glasses plus 1 glass for each 10lb of extra weight. I know it sound like an incredible amount of water but it is important that you try and have as many as possible. Also it sounds like your body is in starvation mode, you need to kick start it again by eating. Do what MFP suggests. Add unsalted almonds, and various nuts as snacks, they are high in good and healthy calories. Stay away from processed food as they are way too high in sodium which can contribute to water retention. Eat more whole grain like brown rice, quinoa, wheat. Good luck,
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I got given 1890 cals but don't know how I can eat that many and keep it healthy?

    You don't appear to be eating any vegetables or fruit. There's minimal evidence of healthy proteins.

    I think you can safely eat quite a bit more by incorporating these, and have a far healthier diet than you currently are.
  • WhyeatKachra
    WhyeatKachra Posts: 404 Member
    That's because your body is now on starvation mode. U need to up those calories.
  • runmypretties
    runmypretties Posts: 13 Member
    a lot of people I know who 'diet' have the same lack of results because they are not giving the body the fuel it needs to BE healthy. You can't just cut out/down on meals and expect to lose. You need to start changing what you eat so instead, for example, if you like curry, don't just have a tiny portion of high fat curry with rice - have a big plate of curry with creme fresh and substitute some meat for a LOAD of veg and white rice for brown.

    The more you weigh, the more calories it takes for your body to keep you alive for the day - as soon as you take your body below those calories (so for someone weighing 65 kgs - MFP may recommend 1250 cals a day, for someone weighing 120kgs - it will recommend 1850 because just breathing, moving and digesting takes more energy whan you are bigger!) it will go into starvation mode so not only will you not lose, what you do eat will be directed into fat storage!

    You need to eat meduim sized, healthy and 5 times a day if possible, even if a couple of those are only snacks of fruit/or small bowl of porridge or something - and get exercising if you are a busy person you probably get a lot of walking exercise, if not start to do half an hour a day it will make all the difference! You don't need to be in the gym 24/7 to lose :)
  • elsinora
    elsinora Posts: 398 Member
    I know it must be so frustrating, especially as you have been under calories and while scientifically calories in vs calories put you should "lose weight"- the quality of calories are very important.

    Truthfully, a lot of what you are eating is pretty unhealthy. Of course 100 cals of cheese and 100 cals of broccoli is, well, 100 calls BUT the 100 cals from cheese is laden with salt and fat while the broccoli does not. Salt/sodium does hinder "weight loss" because more salt in the diet does cause water retention and the fat from cheese (although good in small doses) does not have necessarily the best nutritional value compared with other proteins.

    Honestly, the dominos pizza slices may fit in the calorie allowance you are setting yourself (which is as well too / very low considering your weight) BUT the amount of salt and fat and sugar is so high I'm pretty sure the graphical breakdown will show you this.

    Also - and I know you said you do weigh everything - but on some days like "1 serving bolognaise = 100 cals" seems way too low and inaccurate and you could be adding a lot of calories without clocking it..... Ie look at what 100grams of raw beef mince is and see what I mean .....

    I totally understand your frustrations and each body is different and you have to ind what works for you an make lifestyle changes. I used to be around 250lbs and lost over 100lbs and more and it actually took me a couple of years to get my head round the nutritional aspect or it. And like all these forums show - different things work for different people but don't ever forget the HeALTH side of the journey. It's not just about the scales but good fats vs bad fats will not only help your physique but also a healthy heart xxx
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    You need to eat meduim sized, healthy and 5 times a day if possible, even if a couple of those are only snacks of fruit/or small bowl of porridge or something - and get exercising if you are a busy person you probably get a lot of walking exercise, if not start to do half an hour a day it will make all the difference! You don't need to be in the gym 24/7 to lose :)

    Why does she/he need to eat 5 times a day?

    It is important to eat healthy, but usually people who aren't losing weight are overestimating calories burned and/or underestimating calories they're eating.