Has anyone tried Alli? Thoughts?



  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    It's a complete waste of your money. You are advised to take it with calorie restriction and exercise which would result in weight loss without the Alli. Also, it causes some pretty terrible and embarassing side effects. Trust me, don't do it.
  • 123fizz
    I don't see any harm in it as long as you do it sensibly. My mum is morbidly overweight and is on slimming pills from her GP, for every 2 lbs she loses they take another pound off - she still has to work at it, but this gives her that extra boost she needs. The one she's on is only available on prescription and she is closely monitored.
  • love2bthin
    love2bthin Posts: 176 Member
    You can do it without any medication, take one day at a time. Exercise, eat right and drink your water. You will be amazing at what you can do. .
  • rhondac580
    I haven't really looked into Alli much, but isn't that the one that limits the way your body absorbs fat? And if you do eat too much fat, you end up with ... leakage? (Ew.)

    My problem with that, is that fat isn't bad for you. Some fats are really good for you. Is Alli going to know the difference between a plate of greasy fries, and something with healthy fats like salmon or avacado? Or is it going to give you the squirts (sorry) no matter what?

    That's why I love MFP. Food is fuel, and you can eat pretty much what you want. If it fits your calories and macros, it's all good. It doesn't punish you if you eat a little too much of this or too little of that.

    Yep! I leaked! lol
  • mrlazy1967
    mrlazy1967 Posts: 285 Member
    Isn't Alli just a much weaker form of Xenical (Orlistat)?
    If you need to lose a ton of weight maybe you can get a prescription for Xenical.
  • amflautist
    amflautist Posts: 941 Member
    I was just about to say don't do it because you might compromise your health, but nikki2609 on page 1 has real pharmeceutical information to give.

    Your weight loss will be successful if you gather together a lot of mfp friends to encourage you when you are down, when you cheat/binge, hit a plateau, fall off the wagon, etc. You will be successful if you can figure out what triggers your overeating and learn diversionary tactics for yourself. This is the process we all must go through. We all are works in progress. Pills didn't get us fat. Pills are not the answer to the life changes we need to make.
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    it just makes you poop a lot! A lot, a lot....
    That is another thing: It made me quite constipated on top of the leakage thing.
    I havent tried it and wont. I started 1 month ago on MFP and have lost more wieght and than I expected. I also stayed within my calorie goal and increased my exercise goal. I set my exercise goal at 30 minutes 5 days a week but the wieght loss encouraged more exercise. You can do this with just MFP and your inner strength. I decided at 56 the main goal for me is feeling good and in 1 month I can say I have more energy and feel better.
  • crimznrose
    crimznrose Posts: 282 Member
    I tried it a couple of years ago. It definitely does NOT help you manage what you eat. Your own willpower is the only thing that's really going to help with that. That being said, I did not like it at all. It 'captures" the fat in the foods you eat and to put it plainly (but unfortunately graphically) that fat gets expelled in a oily discharge. Not only is it when you actually use the bathroom, but it can come out if you have gas or even on it's own if you eat something with a lot of fat in it (i.e. red meat).

    What I personally take is a doctor prescribed appetite suppressant called adipex. It's a phentermine pill that helps give your metabolism a small boost but is essentially there to help control appetite. I produce excess insulin (hyperinsulinemia) which increases your appetite and I have to take the adipex to help me control the insulin-fueled hunger. It may or may not be worth talking to a doctor about, but it does work for me and costs me about $25 per month.

    The downside is your body does become accustomed to it over time, so it's a good way to start dieting if your main issue is appetite control or fighting food cravings, but it's benefits will fade after a few months leaving you to work on willpower and discipline alone.
  • anarose13
    anarose13 Posts: 222 Member
    A couple of my aunts tried alli a few months ago and they hated it. yes they did lose weight but the side effects from the pills was not very pleasant. Its a great concept that can be achieved through this site without the help of weightloss pills. go ahead a try alli if you wanna plan your day around a bathroom because thats where you will be spending almost all your time. otherwise there is healthier and better ways to do the diet thing.
  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    When I managed a pharmacy several customers had told me it was okay but if you eat any fat (AT ALL ) you get diarrhea and runny stools. They stopped using it because of it.
  • iluxoxo211
    iluxoxo211 Posts: 241 Member
    That stuff is TERRIBLE! If you eat over your fat count then you leak out orange stuff from your behind.(TMI) LOL!! its really not worth the money to be honest.. You can do it on your own like you have been doing!! (:
  • FlyByJuly
    FlyByJuly Posts: 564 Member
    I have no personal experience with Alli, but a close friend was using it for a while. I can tell you what she went thru. As others have said....yep, leakage. Anal leakage. And my friend said hers was bad. She said it was like having constant diahrrea (sp?). She started wearing Depends, and then couldn't stand the smell of herself. She stopped going places, unless it was a quick trip into town to buy the basics (a lot of toilet paper, I'm sure). She did lose some weight, but she finally came to her senses and said "well, I'm just crapping myself silly." Then, of course, she gained back what she'd lost.
  • charmedlife78
    I hated it, it kept me binded up with belly aches all the time,and that was even with not eating a lot of fatty things, i could eat oatmeal and id go to hurting. I was 225 then and thought it would give me an extra edge. i ended up not using anything but good ol' willpower, exercise, and eating right. Now the only things i take are fish oils, multi vitamins and a thermogenic. they dont keep my stomach in knots. you could supplement with fish oils- its supposed to help with belly fat. I notice my skin and nails look better since using fish oils, which is a plus for me anyway. Good luck with your weight loss journey!
  • melissamason941
    I used it for a month, & had NO problems since I eat fairly healthy anyway. Of course if you go against their advice & eat fatty foods, you will have problems. It works by 'expelling' excess fat to keep your body from absorbing it. My train of thought is, every little bit helps so why not use it? The only issue I have is that I don't think I eat enough fat to make it worthwhile. I eat less than 15g per meal, but like I said every little bit helps. I think it works too, it claims you will lose an extra pound for every 2 you lose by diet/exercise. Good luck.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    bwahahaha! DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY. I tried alli- the 'side effects' are FAR less than desireable. When the instructions say 'low fat diet' it means NO FAT. So I had the bottle still sitting around the house & my daughter, who recently had a baby asked if she could have it. I warned her but she took it anyway.

    She said she had vomiting AND diarrhea. She couldn't even keep down water and her friends asked her why her mom doesn't like her LOL
    I used it for a little over a week. Ruined a couple pairs of undies and a pair of white capris. DON'T WEAR WHITE while taking alli. I suggest you go to the dollar store & buy some cheap undies.
    my advice? DON'T TAKE IT- and my daughter will tell you the same. She only took ONE. Tho we both agree it would be an excellent way to get revenge on an enemy. We should be sending Alli to Afghanistan- THAT would shut them down in a week

    We've decided to do it the old fashioned way- healthy eating & exercise. Can cut fat out of your diet without pills and my dr says SOME fat is neccessary for healthy cells. There are no healthy shortcuts
  • lauehorn
    lauehorn Posts: 183
    I'm on Alli right now. Got the 90 capsule stater kit off eBay for about $20 (cause I refuse to pay full price for anything...even clothes). This is maybe my 3rd week on it and I'm not seeing much change. Then again I only want to lose 10lbs at the most. Alli is made for people wanting to lose a large amount of weight, not just a few lbs.

    People freak out over anything that isn't just getting off you butt and moving daily but I think adding Alli wouldn't hurt much if you can afford it. I mean, people drink Shakeology daily and that's $4 for just 1 shake ($120 for a 30-day bag). Not including the stuff you need to buy if you wanna add to it like fruit or almond milk. And that stuff does nothing more than just protein powder a daily vitamin.

    It's all about what works for you and what you want to put into it. Alli isn't a magic pill to make you drop weight fast, diet and exercise does play a part in it like everything else.

    My recommendation: Try it and see if you can afford it. Otherwise, meh

    Alli isn't at all recommended for someone with only 10 lbs to lose. It's dangerous to take meds that aren't designed for you. I wouldn't continue taking it if I were you. You are putting yourself at risk.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    Anything that has the side effect of uncontrollable oily poo seeping out of your butt is not worth it.

    Eating well and exercising work well without the side effects.
  • cherriewilliams
    cherriewilliams Posts: 107 Member
    I tried it and it pretty much makes you stick to a healthy diet out of fear of getting diarrhea. You can eat healthy without pills and save yourself a bunch of money.
  • YoungerNextYear59937
    My husband and I tried it when it first came out. I had unexplained anxiety attacks and my heart would race for no reason. Alli was the only thing I was doing differently. I asked my husband about it and the same thing was happening to him. We stopped taking it and the anxiety attacks and heart issues stopped. Diet and exercise are always the best ways to lose weight. Anything else is a "crutch" and Alli is one that may do permanent damage.