Measuring food while people watch...



  • tauny78
    tauny78 Posts: 180 Member
    My hubby gets annoyed with me sometimes I think, lol. He's a great cook, but he never measures anything, just eyeballs it. So when he cooks, I'm always asking "how much of this, how much of that?" He says "I don't know...about a handful maybe." He's supportive on my weight loss and healthy habits, but just doesn't think ahead about me tracking my calories accurately. As far as my kids go, they are great! My youngest (8 years) will fix a dessert or want to make something for me, and she will measure everything so mommy knows exactly how much! So cute! The rest of my family is also very supportive, and my mom is actually turning to me for advice since I've done so well. I do understand, it can be a pain to measure everything, and it does make me feel a little self conscious sometimes. But, we got to do what we got to do! So keep it up, it will all be worth it!
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    My mother in law was visiting and saw I had a food scale, and she turned around to exclaim "wow, you're really committed!" I said I didn't know about committed, using the scale makes me feel neurotic. I weigh or measure my usual foods, and dump it into the plate or in the bowl so I can see how it looks so I cam just eyeball it and estimate instead of measuring every time.
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    I get teased at home a lot but they are getting used to it finally and don't harass me as much, even one of my roomies will ask if I have the info off a package before she tosses it, lol.
  • scinamon1
    scinamon1 Posts: 158 Member
    In a student house with 5 boys and one girl who has never worried about what she eats, and really struggle! I dont want them to 'know' Im losing weight as such- so i wait til everyone else has done before cooking. Bit of a problem when someone comes in and is like, 'do you always measure out your oil with a tsp?' but oh well. got good at guesstimating amounts of cheese, and they dont seem to have noticed- or at least not teased me about it! doing workout videos modified so as not to make bump noises on the floor is always interesting though!
  • primalchaos
    primalchaos Posts: 135 Member
    Yes, but how else to get it right :)
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    I've had co-workers comment, "You're measuring the cream you put into your coffee?!" I simply say, "Yes." I do what I need to do for me and don't worry about their attitudes and viewpoints. Besides, I'm probably the most healthy of all in my office!

    My coworker did the same to me the other day! SHe thought I was ridiculous for doing it.
    I dwaddled enough so she wouldn't comment on me measuring my coffee as well, I didn't feel like dealing with her comment/looks as I did it
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    I know I annoy my wife when I sit there at dinner asking how many calories every thing is... she usually says look at the label...
  • xxcatyxx555
    my friends once made me 20 bucks to not talk about dieting during our lunch hour for a week.
  • stablesong
    My sister got annoyed yesterday when we made biscuits. We don't follow a recipe, it's just "How much of this? Umm, about this much." but I made her let me measure the ingredients so I could log it. Other than that, I used to get made fun of a lot by my sister's boyfriend. My family is kind of used to it now. If it bothers me, I just remember that I'll be much healthier than them in the long run.
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    I do the cooking and such in my house, since I'm the mom I'm the boss! :) I use a measuring cup and check the calories on all labels before I prepare or eat my meals. I've gotten good enough so that when I'm out I know about how much is what....does that make sense?

    Me too.

    When I'm eating away form home however, I just estimate, keep the snacks down, and get some exercise. I choose similar foods from MFP, and take comfort knowing that my estimate is close enough, and tomorrow I will be back to normal.
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    I feel a bit odd at a resturaunt. I'm just not good at eyeballing portion size. There's only me and I eat most of my meals at home so that only happens once in a while.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Yes n8v, I'm getting better at it while I'm out, as far as serving sizes go, but I still sometimes wish I could pull out that set of measuring cups. LOL At home if I'm making an entire recipe of something I add all of the calories going in so I know how many are in each serving. They get sooo annoyed. I guess I'll just have to deal with it.
  • jgondor
    jgondor Posts: 145 Member
    i used to worry that my family and fiance would laugh at me constantly if i weighed or measured out my food, but my mom has seen my progress and started to measure her food too. and my fiance has been really supportive and is always making sure i know how many calories a certain food has, and often digs in the trash to grab the can/bag that i accidentally thrown away before reading. my co-workers still "tease" me sometimes, but they know how important it is for me and have also seen my progress so they are learning to be supportive.
  • darlilama
    darlilama Posts: 794 Member
    I pre-pay/package anything I take to work, so I'm not annoying anyone there at all. I've had a couple people ask me what I did to lose weight and I tell them… a good diet, lots of exercise, and MFP! Only once did I have two folks laugh (not in a mean way) because I had a precisely measured bag of celery sticks. They thought that might be a bit obsessive. One is into fitness, the other is a cook. I just said… do you know how many calories are in this bag? I do!
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    Yesss. I know I annoy the crap out of my fiance when I talk about it & measure everything & whatnot. Erg.
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    I don't have a problem with the weighing and checking lables but I do have to stop myself talking about food and weight loss issues and how MFP has helped me to lose weight. I can get a bit over enthusiastic and most people aren't really interested.
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    oh yeah!!! my hubbie evan trash talks my dieting wile im doing it.........he is such an @$$
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Do any of you feel like you are annoying family/friends while you're measuring food, looking at labels that have been tossed in the trash or even talking about weight loss?
    Sometimes I just want to scream!!

    Nope, because frankly I dont give a s***. Ill take the time to make sure the quality of the meats I purchase are high quality. Ill take time to examine the fresh produce to get the best for the money Im spending. People have become verbal with me, in a rather pissy mood - and I just simply tell it like it is and say "you can be patient just like I am with other people. Or, you can simple go get other items while I grab what I need"... They get even more pissy because they are in a hurry and dont have time to waste - I tell them "your lack of time management is not my issue and Im not going to hurry up because you are impatient"...

    My husband comes with me and reads labels with me to learn too - he is SHOCKED and has a wake-up call everytime he reads labels of the things he likes to eat. It has often motivated him to put it back on the shelf.... but, that is done on his own accord...

    He learned from me how to get the freshest possible broccoli crowns and asparagus. He had no idea there were things you could look for. He found the most purply-crowned asparagus bunch and I was so excited for him.... he found broccoli that had more purple on it than the "purple people eater' himself, so he bagged it up, grabbed a little of the ice and put it in the bag and loaded our cart.

    He always thought avocado needed to be extra soft when you purchase it. I had told him that extra soft could mean it was roughly handled and is now too bruised and old.... better to get an avocado that is hard as a rock, and let it ripen naturally at home... when I showed him, he was amazed at the difference.

    Thankfully he has a level of appreciation for what Im doing.. he even tries everything I make too!

    But to that woman in the grocery store last night (literally) who got pissed at me because I wouldnt keep moving fast enough for her... thats tough s***. If Im on my cell phone standing in the area and not focusing on the product, OK, tell me to go screw and move. But if Im shopping, you can learn to have a little patience... nothing is walking away from you... its still going to be there if Im not interested in the product...
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    I feel like I'm annoying people more by losing weight and looking good.
    And I LIKE it!
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    I mentioned to my husband that I really wanted to get a HRM and food scale b/c I've really been struggling with losing lately...and he said he thinks it is really obsessive and unnecessary. He is starting to try to lose weight now and he said he could never live like that--measuring everything. I told him he doesn't have to---but I want to try it to see if it will help me lose the last pesky 10-15lbs.

    Oh and I measure my teaspoon of coffee creamer too!