Any fellow grad students out there?



  • Jakita87
    I am getting a PhD in biochemistry and find it very hard to find time to eat healthy or go for a run. Any advice from fellow grad students?
  • LilMizDetermined
    LilMizDetermined Posts: 175 Member
    I feel your pain!! I graduate this year with my masters!
  • Leesseebee
    Just finished my MA and let me tell you, working does not lend itself well to anything other than sitting and reading either...not even if your degree was supposed to involved travel and movement. Best to get yourselves into good habits now.
    Exercise got me through my grad work with a modicum of sanity, but the food was another story-try and prioritize your health-I know the guilt inherent to doing that-but imagine yourself being buried under your work...I used to feel that way all the time...and imagine trying to claw your way out...way easier if you are strong and well fed!
    Courage mes amis!
    All the best!
  • byronguy74
    I am a doctoral candidate, I am done with the coursework but I have to get started on that pesky dissertation... Anyway, I am fighting to find time to work on it. Unfortunately the best way for me to get the words flowing have always been a couple shots of tequila, i guess I need to find some new inspiration...
  • randijo36
    randijo36 Posts: 4 Member
    I am working on my MBA while working full time and raising four kids! I sit all day at work, sit while I study, and although the kids keep me hopping, it doesn't count as working out! Fitting in intentional exercise is a challenge!
  • DaBossLady24
    DaBossLady24 Posts: 556 Member
    Definitely right here with ya! Working, grad school, AND trying to stay on top of this sounds like a task in itself
  • workerbee2011
    workerbee2011 Posts: 47 Member
    In the last year of my PhD in social anthropology- trying hard to write, exercise and eat healthy! MFP provides excellent procrastination in the name of a good cause LOL.
  • DataBased
    DataBased Posts: 513 Member
    Finished my masters, and packed on the pounds earning it. I'm a stress eater, and got married the day before my final assignments were due (I turned them in early). So I had a wedding and honeymoon to plan during my capstone class. When we got back from our honeymoon, I was fortunate enough to find a full-time job (though not yet at the level I wish to be) which eliminated much of the stress I was under -- all at once. That's why I began searching for something like MFP - I felt this was the best time for me to be successful at this. :smile:
  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    Just graduated from a masters program and I'll just say, GOOD JOB addressing this while in the program instead of afterward. I should've done that...
  • catattack13
    yep, a bit over 25% done with my master's in social work. I love it but daaaamn my time is crunched. I could always be studying instead of working out, but I have to work out or I can't focus because I'd rather be working out. it's a fun cycle to balance.
  • Eliza117
    I did a semester of grad English work and then switched to a second Bachelor's in biology. I completely understand being locked away for hours with nothing but books, high liters, and a computer. I don't know if this works in your situation, but I know that I think better when I pace or walk around. So I'll do circuits around the house while coming up with ideas or reviewing concepts in my head. Standing also burns more calories (I've heard something about the body producing a certain hormone for it when you stand, but I don't know if there is science behind that theory), so I try to keep my laptop at the high bar in the kitchen, or at the table, where I can stand and type and pace if need be at the same time as typing.

    For eating healthy, I make sure that if I do get a spare moment, like right after completing an assignment where my brain needs a rest, I 'll use those to chop up veggies or put chicken in the oven. I usually make enough to last a few days so it then becomes a quick microwave meal.

    Lots of luck!
  • celticcateyes
    celticcateyes Posts: 71 Member
    Fellow grad student, ABD, working on my dissertation proposal and hoping to be done June 2013. That might be optimistic at this point, but I am trying to stay on track with my health improvements and weight loss.

    Any grad students who want to team up, just send me a message saying you are a grad student too :)
  • ColleenMichele
    I'll be done with my masters in Clinical Mental Health in May! I just want to look and feel awesome at graduation. (And I THINK the bf is thinking about asking the big question that day, lol)
  • nickyeatrunread
    nickyeatrunread Posts: 173 Member
    Grad Student here..........matter of fact I am studying now lol

    Yeah, this is my study break. I can slowly see myself replacing MFP with Facebook.
  • nickyeatrunread
    nickyeatrunread Posts: 173 Member
    I'll be done with my masters in Clinical Mental Health in May! I just want to look and feel awesome at graduation. (And I THINK the bf is thinking about asking the big question that day, lol)

    Awesome! That's definitely got to be a huge motivator!
  • dbrightwell1270
    dbrightwell1270 Posts: 1,732 Member
    I feel for you. I finished my PhD in economics 4 years ago. I put on so much weight it was ridiculous. Good Luck to you.
  • Taymay75
    Taymay75 Posts: 753 Member
    I just finished my MSW in December and I was not even thinking about weight or exercise...I should have. I admit, I smoked a lot of cigarettes then, but I have recently stopped smoking.

    Hang in there all you grad and PhD students! You can do it!
  • METR22
    METR22 Posts: 3
    Me too!