new and in need of some motivation

Hi everyone,

Im new here well my name is Esmi and i really want to loose 40 lbs, it has been so hard the last couple of years to motivated myself to do this. im a stay at home mom and a student at night so there is no time for the gym i do however try to workout at home the only problem i come across is that my grades are the ones that suffer when i workout rather than study when my daughter is napping. I have tried staying up to 2-3am to study but it sucks!!! There is not enough hours in a day to do it all
Im so ready to make a change...i just need to tips on how to manage my time so i can do it all!!



  • pspetralia
    pspetralia Posts: 963 Member
    Try doing exercise with your daughter. Push her in a stroller for a long walk, chase her outside, get a child seat for your bike and take her on bike rides, etc. Be creative... you can do it!