White VS Whole Wheat? Beef VS Turkey?

I got into a discussion today with someone at church, and then came home and looked the info up in the MFP database. Whole wheat pasta and regular pasta have the exact same nutritional info, including calories and carbs, and it shows the whole wheat pasta has more fat. How is this better for someone, then? Also, she said ground turkey and lean ground beef are pretty much the same, as well. Can someone explain why I should eat one or the other? I am really curious, because I was always under the assumption that whole wheat was better for us.

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  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Whole wheat pasta does have about the same amt of calories,but it does have more fiber,which is good for you. Very lean beef and most turkey would also be similar, although white meat only ground turkey would be less....although very dry. I would truss beef would be higher in cholesterol. Go by taste! And appropriate portion control!
  • SilverStrychnine
    SilverStrychnine Posts: 413 Member
    Whole wheat pasta, as megsmom said, contains a lot more fiber. This keeps you feeling full, so you are less likely to over eat later. Whole wheat pasta (whole wheat anything, for that matter) also is not bleached and/or refined like "white" pasta. I'm not entirely certain on the turkey-beef thing, but I think turkey has a higher level of protein. I prefer the taste of lean beef!
  • littleaprilina
    I believe it's because whole wheat has more fiber to it and it keeps your body fuller for longer. It's something to do with sugar levels in the body I think. Like white rice/bread/pasta makes your sugar levels spike and makes you crave more food too. I think ground turkey is considered better because there is less grease? I'm sure it depends on the type of ground beef and how it's prepared. I thought turkey was lower in calorie though?

    I am honestly just guessing here and going by bits & pieces that I've heard.
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    I don't touch ground turkey. I think it's gross. I eat lean ground beef, it tastes good, and has a decent amount of iron. I don't understand why you think you should eat one or the other, they are both good sources of protein.

    I also eat regular pasta-but pasta isn't something I eat every single day so i'm ok not going whole wheat.
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    Whole grains take longer to digest and therefore don't raise your blood sugar as fast as white flour products and thus will help prevent hunger and cravings later.
  • anberlingasm
    Some people choose wholewheat because they want to eat 'clean' and white pasta, rice and bread are all refined quite heavily. I eat wholewheat pasta because I don't think it tastes much different than white, and tend to prefer wholewheat bread anyway. Can't stand brown rice, though.
  • Way_2_a_Healthy_Mel
    I don't touch ground turkey. I think it's gross. I eat lean ground beef, it tastes good, and has a decent amount of iron. I don't understand why you think you should eat one or the other, they are both good sources of protein.

    What's gross about it? Also, I was always told that ground turkey was healthier than ground beef. That is why we got into the discussion. It was a legitimate question, since I have been getting tons of mixed information. I still eat lean ground beef, but I always thought ground turkey was healthier, so I have been trying to incorporate it into my meals.

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