Does drinking lots of water help you lose more weight?



  • sergetns73
    sergetns73 Posts: 172 Member
    i read that you r suppose 2 drink half ur weight in ounces of water per day.

    that is NON SENSE , how can someone drink 1/2 his weight daily , remember we need to save the planet in water not drain it
    it is in ounces, I also have heard this - think about it, if someone weighs 180pounds that would be 90oz of water which would equal 11- 8oz glass of water per day!! Water is necessary for weigh loss I think!! :happy:

    lol... i do feel better now, i taught it was in lbs of water

    great advice but wonder where it comes from ?
  • vacherin
    vacherin Posts: 192
    It could help you lose WEIGHT by helping with fluid retention, but it won't help you lose FAT. The very next time you're dehydrated or eat a salty meal, the weight will come back again. But it will help with general health and (supposedly) skin - I say "supposedly" because it's not doing anything for my skin at all, yet I know others who swear by it.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Water is an essential part of my weight loss. I drink a minimum of 3 liters a day. If I didn't drink all the water I do, I'd probably still be gaining weight at this point!

    I used to never drink water. I'd choke on it frequently. I hated the taste of most water. I was also in pain a lot, fuzzy headed, couldn't exercise for very long, and got sick a lot.
    Now, I have more energy, I feel like I can focus better, I get much more intense workouts, and I'm sick less than half the time I used to be. Plus I've become regular for the first time in my life, and my complexion has cleared up significantly. Never mind the weight loss! Lost 9 pounds the first week I increased my water intake to 100 ounces a day!
  • sergetns73
    sergetns73 Posts: 172 Member
    i'm not an advocate of drinking water too much but i make an experiment to chug about 3 liters of water per day. Here's the before and after:

    Drinking when I'm thirsty:
    * Doesn't sweat too much,
    * I feel bloated when taking fiber.

    Drinking around 3 liter per day:
    * skin feels better, facial complexion is better. I used to have an adult pimples but it's gone now.
    * Better bowel movement
    * I sweat better.
    * no longer feel bloated.

    * more control in appetites.

    My advise is take try it yourself, if you think feel that it doesn't make any difference then stop.

    that is great , i did feel bloated a lot but is was from MSG or greasy foods, since i started to drink more water i do feel a difference
  • I personally drink 1 gallon everyday, but then again i train super heavy and intensity is off the charts...on the days that i don't have enough hydration my lifts all go down in numbers.

    To be honest, id just say it helps increase blood volume too, and blood flow to those stubborn fat areas is what increases fatty acid transfer to the peripheral arteries which increases the mobilization of fats...thus the amount of weight lost comes from fat stores more so than other places.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I'm going to say for me YES, because I now drink water instead of:

    juices (processed juices-store bought)
    other sugary/fattening/processed/chemical laced drinks

    As a matter of fact, now I ONLY drink water :bigsmile: now (with the exception of my homemade super foods/green veggie juices I use as a snack or meal through-out the day) and I used to HATE water (or so I thought, when I loaded up on these other drinks), now I LOVE water and drink it regularly and I can sometimes feel it moving through my body and it feels GREAT!

    I drink a bottle of water before dinner, and it helps me feel fuller.

    I drink a 16.9 oz bottle oz water (room temp) every morning immediately after I wake up and it seems to put an extra pep in my steps and gets things "moving" (if you know what I mean :).

    So, I'm going to say yes, water can be helpful in weight-loss, but it's no magic pill for weight loss for me, it's another tool in my new lifestyle and works in conjunction with ALL of the hard work of making my FAT CRY (sweating while working out 6 days per week--nothing CRAZY, just 30 minutes to an hour or so of moderate exercise and strength training--just enough to make me SWEAT bigtime, but feel great afterwards, not wiped out), getting outside everyday for some fresh air and sunshine, eating regularly relatively small but super nutritious and delicious foods through out the day and getting a super good night's sleep all work together for me with the water.

    I drink about 10-12 glasses of water everyday. I actually prefer room temp water to cold water though--it's weird.
  • momof26
    It works for my body. Seems like the more water I drink, the more I shed. Helps me feel good about myself and not bloated. Helps with the food cravings too.