List of Reasons we want to be FIT!!

Let's all list our reasons and motivations for being'll be a great place to go to get a slap of reality when we are feeling out of it!

I'll Start:

To wear high heels without killing myself
So I can run after my two year old and not break a leg or have a heart attack
So I can walk by a mirror and actually look in it
To have the energy to keep up with the busy lifestyle I want


  • nallynell
    So I can wear cute underwear and feel amazing
    So I can run without having to stop every couple of seconds to catch my breath
    To feel rejuvenated and healthy while doing yoga
    To go shopping with my friends and find a cute dress that fits off of the rack
    To hear "did you lose weight?"
    To be an inspiration
  • abbeyl11
    To be one of those success stories and post my own before/after pics!!!!!
    To run a half-marathon ...(dare I say a whole marathon someday?!?!)
    To show my ex what the hell he gave up!!! ;) not that I lost much in the deal haha!
  • ElementalEscapee
    ElementalEscapee Posts: 552 Member
    I have so many reasons....but I'll just sum it up with this:

    I want to LIVE. I mean, really live. Not just exist. c:
  • abbeyl11
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    -So I can start that big family I've always been going on about ever since I was 6.
    -So I can can see what it feels like to walk into the normal clothing section instead of 'Plus sized'
    -To be able to kick blood pressure meds for good... meds for PCOS also--Sick of prescription rubbish
    -To be able to brawl and outrun the walking dead when the zombie apocalypse happens (This is more based on kidding/'wouldn't it be kinda awesome if it really did though?' scenario)
  • abbeyl11
    To NEVER walk into Lane Bryant again!
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    So I can train harder at Aikido :)
  • SerenityRabit
    So I can be healthy.
    So I can run across a crosswalk and not be out of breath.
    Walk flights upon flights of stairs, and still look good when I reach the top.
    To not need help lifting the cat litter.
  • plushkitten
    plushkitten Posts: 547 Member
    Most important for me is to achieve a well-being in all aspects of health
    So I can finally focus on living my life instead of focusing on just living

    Then there are the reasons liiiike
    To be unbelievably drop dead sexy naked
    To pick up in modeling where I left off
    To gain strength back for dance
    To practically live in a bathing suit come summer time (I live right next to a beach and I haven't had the confidence to wear a bathing suit for years!! >.<)
    To fit in to size 3 jeans again :D
  • nightshade21
    nightshade21 Posts: 17 Member
    To be healthy.
    So I can feel confident in any outfit I wear.
    To set a good example for my daughter.
    To run a half-marathon.
    So I can be a better horseback rider.
    To perform my job to the best of my abilities (Nursing)
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    I have a few...

    I want to be active and enjoy all the fun things I've always wanted to do but never thought I could.
    To be a happy healthy wife, mom and someday Grandma...

    To be a MILF. Yup, I said it! I'm happily married, but I'd love to drop some jaws!!!! (it's like payback for all those boys who ignored me through high school!!!)
  • andrejjorje
    andrejjorje Posts: 497 Member
    To be healthy.
    To look good for me and others.
    To wear tight clothing.
    To be better at sports.
  • acwatters
    acwatters Posts: 9 Member
    -To be able to brawl and outrun the walking dead when the zombie apocalypse happens (This is more based on kidding/'wouldn't it be kinda awesome if it really did though?' scenario)

    I've thought of that too - need to be able to carry the kids at the same time :)
  • melbaby925
    -- Be as proud of my physical accomplishments as my mental ones.
    -- Go into a store and buy off the rack without it being a 'special section'
    -- Be a success story - I love that one!
    -- Healthy. Really be healthy without always worrying about whether this physical is the one where the doc puts me on some crappy pill that I know I wouldn't need if I wasn't so fat
    -- See my new muscles instead of just feeling them under the layer of fat that's still covering them

    AND this:
    -To be able to brawl and outrun the walking dead when the zombie apocalypse happens (This is more based on kidding/'wouldn't it be kinda awesome if it really did though?' scenario)
  • LittleMissNerdy
    LittleMissNerdy Posts: 792 Member
    To able to be more active
    To look good for my Hawaiian Vacation
    To feel better about myself
    To look better in clothes
    To not feel winded after normal activities!
  • TiasF
    TiasF Posts: 58 Member
    omg i have a million of these! i actually made a list & it was about 275 reasons! O__o

    To have a tickle fest with a guy without having to constantly pull my shirt down or worry about my fat falling out -__-
    NO BACK ROLLS!!!!! >___<
    so i wont get completely winded going up stairs or hills
    so i can really enjoy myself going to a beach
    so i can go out w/ friends & not feel like the "ugly" or "fat friend"
    so i can go hard on a spring break trip!
    so i dont miss out on any more college experiences simply due to my weight
    so the guy that i care about hte most will be attracted to me (yeah i know this one is kinda problematic lol)
    so i can find cuter clothes for cheaper prices
    knee high boots!
    so my thighs dont rub together (& ruin my jeans ughhh)
    so i dont have to worry about looking like a marshmallow when i bundle up -__-
  • AandJsMommy
    I have quite a few but here's some of them

    1. I don't want my kids to ever know what it's like to be overweight, so to be a good example to my kids.
    2. To wear cute clothes and underwear.
    3. I am sick of being overweight. I would love to know what it's like once in my adult life to be skinny and fit.
    4. To be hot!!
    5. To be able to run and play with my kids without being out of breath, and while they are still small enough to play.
    6. Go upstairs without huffing and puffing.
    7. To just enjoy life and know that I can reach my goals and keep the weight off!
  • jazzalea
    jazzalea Posts: 412 Member
  • Kayla165
    Kayla165 Posts: 118 Member
    To be healthy
    Look drop dead sexy in anything or nothing at all.
    Have more energy to keep up with my kids
  • Soapstone
    Soapstone Posts: 134 Member
    I want to be a bada@@ like Linda Hamilton in Terminator 2.