New and over 100 pounds to lose

Hi, Im 29 years old and sitting @ 340. I really need inspiration. Has come to the point where i stay depressed, never wanna go anywhere etc. I have 2 amazing children ages 8 and 4. I lost 70 pouns 2 years ago but i have never been this big. Hoping someone can tell me this can be accomplished being this big:)


  • mangojh2
    mangojh2 Posts: 175 Member
    You CAN do this!! I'm going to send you a message
  • harleygirlT
    harleygirlT Posts: 223 Member
    4 years ago I topped the scales at 274....I did WW and lost 80 lbs in about 1 3 years later I'm at 240 again....lost 14 lbs since Jan 1st. I can be done, it's not easy and takes alot of will power and excercise. I would love to help and motivate each other. Feel free to friend me and we can go this together. My goal is 175 lbs right now and I won't give up until I get there no matter how long it takes! Look forward to getting to know you girl!
  • Caligalslim
    Hi I have over 100 lb to lose It seem so far away. but doing nothing about it will only make even further. I want to make this year my year.
  • brandimacleod
    brandimacleod Posts: 368 Member
    I posted this earlier elsewhere, but it definitely fits for you as well. Feel free to friend me if you want too! Bottom line though, you CAN do this. Lots of people here are proof that it is not only doable, but fun and easy and enjoyable. I am one of them!

    Boy, for me the first thing for success was building up a great friend base. I have a core group of about 15 people I need EVERY DAY! They are my motivation when I have none, and I am theirs. The remaining friends on my list are great for support in a different way...they are the people who sprout ideas in my head on how to "mix things up" to keep me from being bored.

    I get food and menu ideas from them...take the time to read what others eat. It will give you some great tips. Every time I make fish tacos, someone wants to know my recipe and how I do it. I love sharing my ideas and recipe conversions with them as well.

    I get exercise ideas. And I give them! When i started here, I thought that fat people couldn't run, but someone posted a blog about running and losing weight, and I thought, "Hey - maybe I can do that!" - I now run at least 2 miles a day. I have 2 dogs, so if I have time, each gets to run and that puts me at 3 1/2 miles a day. And I am still a fat girl who now loves to run for her mental health as well as physical health! Other women have started running because I do it. It really is a community thing. Seeing someone else like us succeed helps us to BELIEVE that we can too. I am going to buy a wii game this week because one of my friends uses it and loves it. She sprouted that idea for me.

    I get tips on everything else as well. Like what might be wrong with my HRM reading low, or music playlist ideas, or clothing ideas, or just about anything ideas fromt he blogs. This is my chance to learn from those not on my friends list.

    I can tell you that if you are looking for inspiration, look to your MFP friends. Get involved. Get to know them. And look at what they are doing not as "what they are doing" but what "you can do too!"
  • medic9111
    Of course you can do it. Don't look at long term goals just look at each day as it comes. I find getting older, it is really getting harder to loose. I have joined a hiking group that really helps with motivation. these people are about 10-20yrs older than I. So there is no way I am going to let them show me up LOL. It is not really fast paced but we climb hills up and down there is no race but you are getting out, getting healthy and meeting new people. there are groups out there it is just to find them. You have to get moving. And with little ones home you need that energy.

    Gyms just don't do it for me I get board real fast spending too much time on a machinge. Nature is so beautiful and you are havig a good time so it doesn't feel like you are working out. Go girl go you can do it. Keep us posted.
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    It will never get any easier than it is right now....
    You can do this. You must cultivate commitment, persistence, perseverence and patience. And you need the right tools and tons of support. You can do this.
  • BellydanceBliss
    chicky you can do this!!!! feel free to add me. Anyone who sees this can add me
  • Olive32214
    Olive32214 Posts: 543 Member
    Hi There, I started with MFP in Oct, 2011 and in 18 weeks I've lost 64 lbs. It can be done, once
    your in the right frame of mind. I still have a way to go but I'll get there this time... I didn't like exercising
    and for the first 2 months didn't do much. My sister got me Zumba 2 for the Wii and I do 2, 35mins
    most days. Take it slowly, 10 lb at a time, do a bit of homework-Cals in food, burning cals, and enjoy
    it. Think of the big picture, Children, Health, Holiday's, etc. and when you start exercising try and
    invest in a HRM with a chest strap, it gives you a true reading of the cals you burn... Log all your
    food and plan for the next day, make time in the day for you to do this..
    You can friend me if you like and we can help each other,just leave a brief message. Thanks.
    Good Luck on your Journey..