4.5 Month Progress Pic :)

So, my before picture is from September, but I didn't really start getting healthier again until October...here is my progress so far. I feel so much healthier already, although I do have a ways to go yet. The biggest thing that made the difference for me has been eating breakfast and lunch regularly, and upping my protein and fat (I still often have trouble eating enough of both but I am eating a lot more of it than I used to!) My progress probably could be faster since I am not all that great about tracking these days, and I've been insanely busy with practicum, work, schoolwork, and packing for an upcoming move so I haven't been exercising as much as I would like. I have about another month of craziness and then I'll be FINISHED my degree, fully living in my new place (in my favourite town!) and I'll be able to eat/exercise better than Feb/March have been/will be! (PS Please forgive my crappy paint skills hahahaha) Also, excuse the crazy look on my face in my before pic, I'm smiling and crying and probably laughing, it's at my brother's wedding rehearsal :)



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