Green Tea

We all know green tea is supposed to help you lose more weight but what green tea should i be drinking decaf or caffein


  • HoosierMomma1
    HoosierMomma1 Posts: 76 Member
    I find the caffeine helps get me going so I never drink decaf unless it's before bed or im sick., I switched to Yerba mate unsmoked green tea which is naturally caffeinated. I find it still gets me moving without the jittery caffeine feeling I got from other teas. It's supposed to increase the metabolism. Im not sure if it really does but it sure does get me up and moving
  • Picola1984
    Picola1984 Posts: 1,133
    For a long time I thought green and white tea were decaffeinated until i saw the decaff option

    In comparison to coffee it is a lot less and has more benefits to it

    I choose the caffeinated as I prefere flavoured green tea such as lemon or cranberry (not as bitter as pure green tea I find)