Hip injuries

Hi all,

Does anyone have any good tips for hip injuries? Mine is muscular and I've been hobbling for a week now. Getting frustrated as I'm supposed to be running a half marathon in 3 weeks. It just isn't getting better.



  • Skeebee
    Skeebee Posts: 740 Member
    Take it easy.....trust me. I did the same thing. was walking 4 miles a day for 6 times a week and injured my hip moving some furniture a few years back. I was told it wouldn't completely heal for 6 months. Well, I decided I wanted to keep working out and for me, recovery turned into 10 months.

    Don't be stubborn and make it worse. ;-) Just take it easy. I know it sucks because you are limited, but don't overdo it. Talk to your doctor about what you can or can't do. For me, I could only do upper body movements that didn't require me to rotate my lower body.
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    Alas... no magic... just ice, ibuprofen, rest, gentle stretching, time.

    I have bad hips... not injury related... but I really like yoga for the hips and back. Very gentle yoga- don't push it beyond a little stretch.
  • themacdoodle
    themacdoodle Posts: 3 Member
    You may have tight IT band. Try stretching with a foam roller. Here's a good video I found on Youtube:


    Also, have you made an appointment with a physical therapist? Be careful as you don't want to extend the injury as that can turn into a long-term injury! Good luck!
  • monet13
    monet13 Posts: 324 Member
    I have arthritis in my hip(left hip only for some odd reason) and lower back and jogging and hiking can really agravate things some days. I find streching for a good 5 - 10 minutes afterward is tremendously beneficial, also I have a Gaiam Therapy roller that works well on releasing the tighness - Take it easy and good luck!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Get yourself to a physio to help work out which muscles are affected. They will advise on stretches or exercises that will help and not exacerbate the injury.
    I injured my hip flexors about a month before my half marathon and I couldn't run for a few weeks so I ended up running a 10 k race instead. It's still nagging slightly so I'm glad I didn't push it.
    Good luck with your race!