1500 calorie mealplans?

So the past week, I have essentially been eating a lot at night, eating a lot all day (but especially very late at night), generally. I've been doing a half hour of cardio every day, and some yoga. Just generally staying active. ..I feel like I dont use my calories the best way that I can at all. I feel like there must be some sort of meal plan that I somehow can't devise. ...I was wondering if anyone with similar caloric goals could share their mealplan? ...If it really comes down to it, ill have to do some hard-core research, but i'll post the results of the mealplan here after...Just figuring I'd give it a try here and see what comes of it. All you girls are amazing, gorgeous, and beyond motivating. I just need extra help right now, because I lost 10 lb, and was doing well, and now im just eating a lot, out of boredom, slight depression, and just ravenous hunger. I'm also on birth control (Balziva) ...but also Spironolactone. for PCOS. I get sorta hormonal still, but mainly in check. I get pretty ravenous for a week out of the month usually, and try to eat healthier as much as I can, and I do eat generally healthy, its just the amount that I can eat, and sometimes will eat junkish garbage because I dont really care too much sometimes. This means so much to me and I really would love to be able to use the calories as best as I can, like eating tons of fresh fruits and vegetables, and quinoa, etc...Please help. anything will be very helpful at this time. Also, does anyone know any really good exercises for the core? that are relatively simple and dont cause too much strain? thank you a million to whoever responds to this <3 youre all the best, and wish you the best always xxo


  • thatlook
    thatlook Posts: 58 Member
    Hey there,

    im on 1500 a day and use my cals by allocating 200 for breakfast, 400 lunch 600 eve meal and the remaining 300 as snacks and hot drinks, i generally only eat snacks during the day between lunch and eve meal and do my best to avoid eatng anyting after 8pm, If you want to add me to have a look at my diary feel free, it may give you some ideas!! (obviously i dont stick to the above allocations religiously but try to stay within 50-80 cals either way on each meal!! Hope this helps ya a bit :D

  • fromouterspace
    fromouterspace Posts: 19 Member
    thats awesome ! thank you so much ! can i also do the reverse, and have 600 for breakfast, 400 for lunch and 200 for dinner? i suppose the order wouldnt really matter much but thats really wonderful of you to take the time to write back , thank you <3
  • thatlook
    thatlook Posts: 58 Member
    i dont see why you couldnt, if it works for you then do it, im not a great morning eater so i could never manage to do it personally!! lol i used to be an awful night-time muncher before this year but have managed to get out of the bad habit since starting on here properly!!
    Although i think i may try switching the lunch & eve allocations in the next few weeks, i'll see how it works out for me!!

    Im more than happy to help in anyway i can advise people its a pleasure to me, im no expert but have been a lifetime dieter and have come to the realisation that a 'diet' wont fix my problems, i need to change my food attitude and that has helped me a lot the last 7ish weeks! :D
  • 1953Judith
    1953Judith Posts: 325 Member
    My husband and I use a diabetes meal planner. It provides the menu (and recipes) for each meal. It lays out the days meal plan in 1500, 1800, 2000 and 2200 increments including three meals and snacks. Each meal serves four. So we eat the same menu two days in a row. On the third day, we attempt to stick to similar calories and balance of food using left over groceries and stuff from the pantry. It has worked well for my weight loss and his blood sugar management. It is a lot of cooking, but you don't get bored.
  • fromouterspace
    fromouterspace Posts: 19 Member
    thank you so much ! you are all the best <3333