Wii Fit

BellaEmy Posts: 63 Member
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
I am thinking of purchasing the Wii Fit to go along with this calorie diet....I don't think that eating healthy alone will help me lose weight fast. Anyways, I can't get a gym membership in my area - it is just not in my price range. I am just curious to know if anyone has used the Wii Fit? Has it helped you lose weight? Thanks!


  • BellaEmy
    BellaEmy Posts: 63 Member
    I am thinking of purchasing the Wii Fit to go along with this calorie diet....I don't think that eating healthy alone will help me lose weight fast. Anyways, I can't get a gym membership in my area - it is just not in my price range. I am just curious to know if anyone has used the Wii Fit? Has it helped you lose weight? Thanks!
  • I have not personally tried it, but want to, because of all the good things I have heard about it from people I know. I'm saving up cause I really think my whole family would benefit from it :wink:

    I think success, as with any other exercise plan, depends on your effort and intesity, but if it's going to help you be active and raise that heart rate and sweat ... well, then there ya go :bigsmile:
  • wattsam1
    wattsam1 Posts: 95
    I love my Wii Fit but I wouldn't use it as my only form of exercise, but I work up a sweat after about 30 minutes on it. EA has a new Fitness game for the Wii Fit that I would like to try. I have heard reviews that it is better than the game that comes with the Wii Fit.
  • Jenny_Bee
    Jenny_Bee Posts: 102
    I am TOTALLY all about the Wii Fit.

    Not only are the exercises and games fun and challenging, but you can definitely tell you're getting a good workout. I suggest getting a heart rate monitor so you know just how many calories you're burning. (which is something I want to save up for)

    Also, it tracks your weight and tells you your BMI and gives you little fitness tips here and there. It's a fun way to help you keep track of your weight, Wii exercises, and other exercises. Unfortunately it's not very specieifc like MFP, and it isn't a calorie counter. I personally love mine, even if i don't exercise with it... i weigh myeslf every morning diddle around with some of the balance games.
  • soxygirl
    soxygirl Posts: 173
    I have the Wii Fit and I love it . . . but it really depends on how much time you are willing to dedicate to it. You have to commit to it just like any other fitness plan. I use it about 4x a week, but I also go to the gym and walk outside and take 4 yoga classes per week, so it's hard to say what weight I've lost/toning I've gained from the Wii Fit alone. But it's definitely fun and a good work out.
  • weaverc
    weaverc Posts: 158
    I have a wii fit and used it everyday faithfully for a while. I think your enjoyment and benefit from the Wii fit depends on your current fitness level. I got bored with it after a couple of months and now I do so much cardio that it's not even worth using it for exercise. I still like to play around with it for flexibility and stretching and to try to beat the games. They cost around $80 so it may not be worth it to you.
  • expressbug
    expressbug Posts: 100
    Lots of things you can do at home.

    Jump Rope - I don't even use a actual jump rope I just act like I have one. I can go for 20 min while watching tv.

    Sit Ups
    Push Ups
    Jogging in Place

    Oh and if you have the Wii Sports game, that is a great workout providing you really do the motions as if you were really playing the sport. I entered the calories in MFP a while back.

    Good Luck
  • artist22
    artist22 Posts: 14
    I love mine....It's so fun. I over did it being extremely out-of-shape I hurt my knee. They have great exercise and you can be weighed, BMI tracked. It makes a funny sound when I step on like I am hurting it because I am overweight, when you get weighed in, my liitle person to be me went from skinny to fat. I thought it was funny. Some might get offended. I miss using it, I hope my knee gets weel soon.
    Best purchase for me, I don't like gyms.
    You can rent them at most movie rental places so you can see if you like it.
  • Frost
    Frost Posts: 312 Member
    The WiiFit is what got my partner and I on track. We love ours! It really keeps your results visual with progress charts and daily weigh ins. And there's My Fitness Coach which is less expensive.
  • Yewkon
    Yewkon Posts: 34
    I have both Wii Fit and My Fitness Coach.

    I would say Wii Fit is better for someone who is just starting to exercise and My Fitness Coach is a better overall workout.

    Wii Fit is fun for a while, but the lack of built in exercise routines (you have to pick and choose another game after finishing one) and the fact that it's very stop and go dont really give a great cardio workout. The only real cardio workouts are the boxing step, hula hoop, and jogging (which is just running in place and you dont need an $80 game to do that).

    Other than using Wii Fit as a scale, I dont use Wii Fit for anything except the hula hoop. 6 minutes on the Hula Hoop still makes my abs burn. The Yoga and strength training are decent, but My Fitness Coach does those exercises and does it better.

    So, if you're looking for a game, get Wii Fit. If you're looking for a real workout, get My Fitness Coach.
  • djshade4
    djshade4 Posts: 24
    I love my Wii Fit~! I use it 3 to 4 times week. How much effort you put into to it is what you are going to get out of it. When I'm boxing, I box with all I've got. My son (9), on the other hand, just shakes his hands and wins the fights!
    It is actully right on with my weight. And since joining this site and entering my time in my exercise journal and watching my calories I've lost 4lbs. Looking forward to trying MY FITNESS COACH next. Heard a lot of great things about it.

    Also, Love the Wii Sports. Just practicing hiting baseballs yesterday made my arm sore today. Love it!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    I have the wii fit and the jillian micheals for the wii fit, I didnt try the jullian micheals workout for awhile because my husband said it was not worth it, I tried it the other night and I could barely squat my legs for three days so defiently worked muscle that I dont work just from the treadmil, also wii fit has another game coming out may 16 called wii active it has resistence bands that come with the game, I already put my on reserve because they said if it is not on reserve you would not get it for a while. So i am gonna try this..
  • ianconway
    ianconway Posts: 185 Member
    I have WiiFit and MyFitnessCoach...

    Maya on MFC will definitely get you sweating. Both games has their perks, but I would say over all that MFC is a little better, especially with the progress tracking.

    But, it's good to have both!
  • You could always go on Craig's List and buy some used exercise equipment. I have the Wii Fit, but wouldn't consider it a real good way of working out. I have a recumbant bike, elliptical machine and a weight machine that I bought from Craig's List. You can get some decent stuff on there for between $50 and $100.
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