Pullups (mostly for ladies)

Hi Ladies (and the gents who are awesome enough to come help).

So, I'm way far away from my goal weight (about 18 lbs from first goal and about 28 from final goal).

I've been weight training for a while, but I REALLY want to be able to pullups (not chinups).

How can I train to be able to do this? I weigh about 182 now.


  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I've always wanted to do this too!
    No advice - just watching with interest.
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    Use a chair to support you, also pullovers will help strengthen your lats.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    You can use resistance bands to do assisted pullups. Over time you will need less and less assitance, until you're finally able to do them unassisted.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    You can use resistance bands to do assisted pullups. Over time you will need less and less assitance, until you're finally able to do them unassisted.

    I've never use them. How do I use them?
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member

    This is EXACTLY what I was looking for! Thank you!
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member

    This is EXACTLY what I was looking for! Thank you!

    i know. please, hold your applause.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member

    This is EXACTLY what I was looking for! Thank you!

    i know. please, hold your applause.

    Why you always gotta one-up me, brah? :bigsmile:
  • zafferFL
    zafferFL Posts: 402
    Lat pull down machine is the same movement, it might be a good start.
    This won't really help with core, however, which is very active in a pull up.
    Biceps and forearms might also need some work.

    But as they say, the best way to get started is to do the actual exercise. Do you have anyone that can help you by holding your feet?
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member

    This is EXACTLY what I was looking for! Thank you!

    i know. please, hold your applause.

    Why you always gotta one-up me, brah? :bigsmile:

    like its that hard to one up you.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Lat pull down machine is the same movement, it might be a good start.
    This won't really help with core, however, which is very active in a pull up.
    Biceps and forearms might also need some work.

    But as they say, the best way to get started is to do the actual exercise. Do you have anyone that can help you by holding your feet?

    Unfortunately no. I don't really know anyone at my gym, but I'm willing to do the work to get my body strong enough to do it. I'm open for suggestions on how to improve core strength, back, and arms if you have them.

    Having a goal of "do 10 pullups by April" is great motivation for me to stick with it and make progress.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Personally I'd substitute barbell rows instead of dumbbell rows, but then, I'll always pick barbells over dumbells. :laugh:

    Pendlay rows work wonders on your back and biceps.
  • zafferFL
    zafferFL Posts: 402
    Lat pull down machine is the same movement, it might be a good start.
    This won't really help with core, however, which is very active in a pull up.
    Biceps and forearms might also need some work.

    But as they say, the best way to get started is to do the actual exercise. Do you have anyone that can help you by holding your feet?

    Unfortunately no. I don't really know anyone at my gym, but I'm willing to do the work to get my body strong enough to do it. I'm open for suggestions on how to improve core strength, back, and arms if you have them.

    Having a goal of "do 10 pullups by April" is great motivation for me to stick with it and make progress.

    dead lifts will help a little. that article also mentions body weight rows, really great advice.

    Edit: Feel free to ask someone to help out, even if you don't know them. Most people at a gym would be happy to help, even if they look like they wouldn't :) Don't be afraid to ask, I've never had anyone say no when it comes to spotting.
  • Emi_chan
    Emi_chan Posts: 105 Member
    I haven't done pullups myself and have a really hard time even with the chin-ups. But I'm thinking of trying this exercise to eventually be able to do them!

  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Personally I'd substitute barbell rows instead of dumbbell rows, but then, I'll always pick barbells over dumbells. :laugh:

    Pendlay rows work wonders on your back and biceps.

    I just started working with barbells, and I really like it a lot.

    Thanks :)
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Lat pull down machine is the same movement, it might be a good start.
    This won't really help with core, however, which is very active in a pull up.
    Biceps and forearms might also need some work.

    But as they say, the best way to get started is to do the actual exercise. Do you have anyone that can help you by holding your feet?

    Unfortunately no. I don't really know anyone at my gym, but I'm willing to do the work to get my body strong enough to do it. I'm open for suggestions on how to improve core strength, back, and arms if you have them.

    Having a goal of "do 10 pullups by April" is great motivation for me to stick with it and make progress.

    just an FYI... 10 pull ups in a row is a lot. i can barely do that many in a row.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Lat pull down machine is the same movement, it might be a good start.
    This won't really help with core, however, which is very active in a pull up.
    Biceps and forearms might also need some work.

    But as they say, the best way to get started is to do the actual exercise. Do you have anyone that can help you by holding your feet?

    Unfortunately no. I don't really know anyone at my gym, but I'm willing to do the work to get my body strong enough to do it. I'm open for suggestions on how to improve core strength, back, and arms if you have them.

    Having a goal of "do 10 pullups by April" is great motivation for me to stick with it and make progress.

    dead lifts will help a little. that article also mentions body weight rows, really great advice.

    Sweet. I did my first set of Romanian deadlifts today at 80lbs, which is pretty awesome for me. I'm hoping to be able to eventually deadlift my body weight (goal weight at least) of 150.
  • erxkeel
    erxkeel Posts: 553 Member
    Get a chair, goto the pull up bar, and let your self down slowly. Do this until failure.. 4 sets everytime you do LATS workout.
