FitBit Confusion

Ok...I am getting so confused. I just got my FitBit yesterday. I am I wear it when I am working out if I am also wearing a HRM? If so, do I enter my calories and exercise into MFP? Wouldn't my FitBit adjustment for the day then be off (as it is calculating calories burned during my exercise)? Or should I just leave my FitBit off when working out?

Thanks for any advice!!


  • jeefyl
    jeefyl Posts: 27 Member
    I haven't figured this one out either. I've had a fitbit, but just got a HRM yesterday. I decided to take the fitbit off with I was walking because I didn't want to mess up my calorie count.
  • TheLongRunner
    TheLongRunner Posts: 688 Member
  • As long as you enter the starting time and number of minutes in MFP, it will override the Fitbit numbers (for that same time period) and therefore will not double count the calories.