Needs insperation and motivation

Hi Everyone

Looking for some insperation....

I was on here about 8 months ago and was doing really well.... but then stopped and gained the weight back on.

I am restarting my journey and would love to have some people help me get motivated and me motivate them as well.

I have been going to the gym on and off for the past few months (since Christmas) and would like to lose around 25kgs to reach my ideal weight of 90kgs hopefully by the end of this year....

I am 25 years old from New Zealand.




  • BreK51
    BreK51 Posts: 19 Member
    Life is an adventure! You can do this, and I encourage you to keep with it, Don't look at it as a diet but as a new lifestyle , an open door to meeting people like yourself, to uplift, encourage and cheer for your success. YOU CAN DO IT! WE ALL CAN :) Bre K
  • Thanks Brek.... Once i get back into it i will be fine!